Seligeria calcarea

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Seligeria calcarea
Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Grim
Family : Seligeriaceae
Genre : Seligeria
Type : Seligeria calcarea
Scientific name
Seligeria calcarea
( Hedw. ) Bruch , Schimp. & W. Gümbel

Seligeria calcarea is a species of moss of the order Grimmiales .


The stems are up to a millimeter high and have screwy leaves. They stand in flocks. The leaves have a hollow base and are narrowed into a linear, short blunt awl. The leaves are entire, the rib is thicker in the upper part of the leaf than below. The cells of the tip of the leaf are square.

The seta is yellow and erect, the capsule has a peristome .


The species is restricted to Europe and is rare. In Germany it can be found in Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein . It grows on damp, shady, wet limestone rocks and in chalk pits .

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