Senate Kaisen III

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The Senate Kaisen III officiated on 22 January 1948 to 29 November 1951 as the fourth in Bremen state government after the Second World War .

Senate Kaisen III
from January 22, 1948
President of the Senate , Mayor Wilhelm Kaisen SPD
Deputy President of the Senate, Mayor Theodor Spitta BDV
Interior (from February 2, 1948) Adolf Ehlers SPD
Justice, Constitution and Church Affairs Theodor Spitta BDV
Schools and Education, Art and Science Christian Paulmann until May 21, 1951 SPD
health Hans Meineke BDV
Finances Wilhelm Nolting-Hauff independent
construction Emil Theil SPD
Ports and Shipping Hermann Apelt BDV
Economy and work Hermann Wolters SPD
Food and Agriculture Erhard Heldmann until September 14, 1949
Hermann Wolters
Work, social order and housing (until April 13, 1948) Willy Ewert SPD
Regional culture (until April 13, 1948) Hermann Mester SPD
Work and Welfare (from May 18, 1948) Gerhard van Heukelum SPD
Housing (until December 31, 1949 and regional culture ) Hermann Mester until December 31, 1949
Hans Meineke
Economic research and foreign trade Gustav Wilhelm Harmssen independent
political liberation (until December 31, 1949) Alexander Lifschütz independent

On January 11, 1951, the BDV changed its name to FDP .