Senate Koschnick V

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The Senate Koschnick V served as Bremen's state government from November 10, 1983 to September 17, 1985 .

Senate Koschnick V
from November 10, 1983
President of the Senate, Mayor Hans Koschnick SPD
Deputy President of the Senate, Mayor Moritz Thape SPD
Interior Volker Kröning SPD
Administration of justice, the penal system and federal affairs Wolfgang Kahrs SPD
church affairs Hans Koschnick SPD
Finances Moritz Thape SPD
construction Bernd Meyer SPD
Ports, Shipping and Transport Oswald Brinkmann SPD
Economy and foreign trade Werner Lenz SPD
Health and sport Herbert Brückner SPD
environmental Protection Herbert Brückner until January 25, 1984
Eva-Maria Lemke
Education, science and art Horst Werner Franke SPD
job Claus Grobecker SPD
Youth and social affairs Henning Scherf SPD