Sergei Alexandrovich Martinson

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Sergei Alexandrovich Martinson ( Russian Сергей Александрович Мартинсон ; born January 25, jul. / 6. February  1899 greg. In St. Petersburg , † 2 September 1984 in Moscow ) was a Soviet actor in particular for his portrayal of humorous and grotesque known characters was.

Life and accomplishments

Martinson came from a Swedish noble family. In 1923 he attended the State Technological Institute in what was then Petrograd, but the following year he switched to the Theater of the Revolution , where Martinson worked for the next 17 years. Between 1925 and 1938 he took intermittent engagements at the Vsevolod Meyerhold Theater and from 1933 to 1936 at the Music Hall Theater in Saint Petersburg. Although already seen in films in the 1920s, Martinson was not regularly active as a film actor until after the Second World War .

Martinson's filmography comprises a total of 135 works. In addition to roles in political films and literary adaptations , he was seen in numerous fairy tale films, preferably directed by Alexander Lukitsch Ptuschko . Martinson probably had his most extensive engagement with the film Боевой киносборник №7 from 1941, in which he portrayed Adolf Hitler in a Soviet film. For this role Martinson was blacklisted in Germany and was to be executed immediately in the event that the invading forces get hold of him. He then embodied Hitler two more times.

In 1964 Martinson was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Martinson's biography (Russian), accessed November 17, 2019
  2. a b Martinson's filmography (Russian), accessed November 17, 2019
  3. a b Martinson's filmography on (Russian), accessed on November 17, 2019
  4. Martinson's biography at (Russian), accessed on November 17, 2019