Sergei Fyodorovich Volkonsky

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Coat of arms of the Volkonsky princes

Sergei Fjodorowitsch Wolkonski ( Russian : Сергей Фёдорович Волконский; * 1715 ; † March 10, 1784 in Moscow ) was a Russian prince and major general in the Imperial Russian Army .


SF Volkonsky took part in the Seven Years' War (1756–1763) as an officer ; no details are known about his military career. At the end of his military service he was promoted to major general. A legend actually made him famous .

The legend

His wife Maria Dmitrijewna Volkonskaja, née Zaadajew († 1775), who was very worried during her husband's military service, had a dream. In this dream a voice told her to have a small icon made. After it was made, she had this icon, which was made of hardwood , passed on to her husband via Field Marshal Stepan Fjodorowitsch Apraxin (1702–1758). The icon should protect her husband and accompany him constantly. During a reconnaissance mission, Volkonsky and his unit came across the enemy, who immediately opened fire. Volkonsky was hit in the chest by an enemy bullet that struck the icon. So she saved his life. The icon was kept by his youngest son Nikolai Sergeevich and passed into the family property.

Origin and family

Knes Sergei Fjodorowitsch came from the ancient Russian nobility of the Rjuriken and is the founder of the fourth line in the aristocratic Volkonskis . His father was Fyodor-Michail Andrejewitsch Volkonsky (1680–1747) (family table I). His brother was the Russian lieutenant general Semjon Fyodorowitsch Volkonsky (1703-1768). Sergei married Maria Dmitrievna Khaadaeva, their descendants were:

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