Serra Gaúcha

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The artificial lake Lago Negro in Gramado

The Serra Gaúcha is a mountainous region in the northeast of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul .

Many German and Italian immigrants settled here. In the cities of this region, the German and Italian influence is reflected, for example, in the architecture and gastronomy.

The first Germans came in 1824, Italians in 1875. While the Germans settled in the lower areas, the Italians populated the highlands.

The settlement areas of the Germans give the impression that one is in a typical German village. Some residents still speak German or their dialect Riograndenser Hunsrückisch .

The Italians brought viticulture with them from their homeland, which is still cultivated. The city of Caxias do Sul celebrates this heritage with the Festa da Uva .

The main places in the Serra Gaúcha are Caxias do Sul , Farroupilha , Gramado , Canela , Vacaria , Nova Petrópolis , Bento Gonçalves , Carlos Barbosa , Garibaldi , São Francisco de Paula , Antônio Prado , Nova Roma do Sul , Nova Prata , Veranópolis , Bom Jesus , Flores da Cunha , Nova Pádua , São Domingos do Sul , Nova Bassano , Paraí e Nova Araçá , Guaporé , Cotiporã , São Valentim do Sul , Dois Lajeados , Serafina Corrêa and São Jorge .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Serra Gaúcha - History of the Wine Region. In: Retrieved October 20, 2019 .