Seschseschet Idut

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Seschseschet Idut in hieroglyphics

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Seschseschet Idut was an ancient Egyptian princess at the transition from the 5th to the 6th dynasty . She was a daughter of Pharaoh Unas and carried the title of the birth king's daughter.

Origin and family

Seschseschet was a daughter of Pharaoh Unas, the ninth and last ruler of the 5th dynasty. Unas had two royal wives: Nebet and Chenut . Which of the two was the mother of the Seschseschet is unknown. Several siblings or half-siblings of Seschseschet are known: her brother Unasanch and another brother whose name has not been passed down, as well as her sisters Chentkaus , Hemetre Hemi and Iput I (who later became the wife of Pharaoh Teti ). Other possible sisters were Neferetkaus Iku and Neferut .


Seschseschet was buried in a mastaba near the Unas pyramid in Saqqara . This tomb was originally built for the Chief Justice and Vizier Ihi and was usurped by Seschseschet. The sarcophagus originally intended for Ihi and remains of wall paintings were discovered in the burial chamber . The burial chapel consists of five rooms with relief decoration.


  • Michel Baud : Famille royale et pouvoir sous l'Ancien Empire égyptien. Tome 2 (= Bibliothèque d'Étude. Volume 126/2). Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 1999, ISBN 2-7247-0250-6 , pp. 564-565 ( PDF; 16.7 MB ).
  • Aidan Dodson , Dyan Hilton: The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt . The American University in Cairo Press, London 2004, ISBN 977-424-878-3 , pp. 62-69.
  • Rizkallah Macramallah : Le Mastaba d'Idout (= Fouilles à Saqqarah. Volume 15). Leroux, Paris 1935 ( online ).
  • Bertha Porter , Rosalind LB Moss : Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings. Volume III: Memphis. Part 2. Saqqara to Dahshur. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1981, pp. 617-619 ( PDF; 33.5 MB ).