Seth Winston

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Seth Lance Winston (born August 15, 1950 in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , † June 5, 2015 in Woodland Hills , California ) was an American screenwriter, director and film producer who was awarded an Oscar .


Winston attended the University of Southern California , where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree . He gained his first film experience as an intern on the set of Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind . In 1989 he wrote the screenplay for the comedy Hands Off My Daughter with Tony Danza and Catherine Hicks in the leading roles. In 1991 he was the producer, director and screenwriter of the short film Session Man , which won the Oscar for Best Documentary Short in 1992 .

Winston was a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Writers Guild of America and taught as a professor at Columbia College Private College and the American Film Institute in California .

Filmography (selection)


Academy Awards 1992

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