Sezawa Katsutada

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Sezawa Katsutada, 1944

Sezawa Katsutada ( Japanese 妹 沢 克 惟 ; * August 21, 1895 in Ishikawa Prefecture , † April 23, 1944 in Tokyo ) was a Japanese mathematician , seismologist and university professor.


Sezawa studied in the years 1918-1921 at the Imperial University of Tokyo , where he graduated as a shipbuilding engineer. He became a professor there in 1928. From 1943 on he was director of the Seismological Institute there.

Research activity

From 1925 onwards, Sezawa dealt extensively with seismology and researched earthquake waves , based on mathematical work on vibration phenomena in ships, using analysis methods . By observing the propagation of such waves, he obtained results both on the structure of the upper crust of the earth and on the effect of such waves on buildings and bridges. In the same context, Sezawa also investigated the formation and spread of tsunamis .

Sources and literature

Individual evidence

  1. 西澤 修 : 日本 の 地震 予 知 研究 史 - 先 駆 者 今 村 明 恒 と 当時 の 地震 学 - . In: Chishitsu News . No. 494 , October 1995, p. 51 ( [PDF]).