Sherlock Holmes: The Secret of the Persian Carpet

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Sherlock Holmes: The Secret of the Persian Carpet
Original title Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet
Studio Frogwares
Publisher world Big Fish Games Astragon
May 9, 2008
platform Mac OS , Windows
genre Adventure , casual game , hidden object game
Game mode Single player
control Mouse , keyboard
medium CD-ROM , download
language German English
Age rating
USK released from 6
PEGI recommended for ages 3+

Sherlock Holmes - The Secret of the Persian Carpet is a casual game that was released in 2008 and is part of the adventure genre and has integrated hidden objects as one of the main game elements. It was developed in collaboration with Frogwares and distributed by Big Fish Games and Astragon . As a typical budget game, the game from the series brought out by Frogwares around Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Delineate Watson .


In Victorian London in 1896, Holmes received a letter from Scotland Yard asking for help in a murder case . Initially disinterested, the detective finally wants to start the investigation when he learns that the victim has been wrapped in a valuable Persian rug. This adds an unusual detail to the crime in his eyes.

Holmes first investigates the crime scene and apartment of the victim, a painter named Vincent Gordon , where he comes across Mary Summers , the victim's girlfriend. She sent him a death threat, stating that it was only meant figuratively. She eventually leads to the Aston Theater, where she is an actress and Gordon was hired for a while until he was kicked out by the owner Edward Aston, who saw in Gordon only a second-rate artist with bad influence on Mary Summers and also for death Gordon's delighted shows.

At the same time, a third Scotland Yard suspect, Brian Willis, is introduced, a worker at the cement factory where the victim was found. He has already committed several criminal offenses and attracts attention through several false statements.

Upon renewed research in Gordon's apartment, one can finally identify Lord Lindon as one of the painter's clients who wanted to have a portrait made of his wife. In the following, the lord quickly becomes a suspect, as a threat is also found with him, which is directed against Gordon. Like Mary Summers, he also emphasizes this letter as a pure act of affect, since the painter was evidently too strongly drawn to the lord's wife, Lady Lindon . In addition, Lindon can show an alibi by attending an opera .

This alibi also covers the woman named as the fifth suspect in the case. She was blackmailed by the painter when he found out that she was his half-sister. This happened because his mother was one of the servants of Lady Lindon's father and was impregnated one day by her master.

The final suspicion finally falls on Garry Oak , a gambler to whom the painter owed several pounds . Holmes now has all the suspects and circumstantial evidence in this case together to draw his conclusion.

According to this, Lord Lindon is the murderer, since Vincent Gordon found out while working at the Lindon house that the Lord is involved in financial fraud. With this fact, the painter also blackmailed Lindon. The lord had the money handed over during the opera, the murder already planned, in order to be able to produce an alibi that can only be refuted by a note in the cloakroom. Lindon then followed Gordon, who made his way to Willis' hiding place, where the painter said the Lindon property was a good break-in opportunity. While Willis got up immediately, the painter stayed behind and was finally killed by the lord so that he could get his money back. Then he wrapped the corpse in a stolen rug from the shelter and deposited it in Willis' workplace, the cement factory, in order to direct suspicion on the criminal.

Game principle and technology

The game is a kind of adventure in which objects have to be found and combined in static hidden objects and various puzzles have to be solved. These puzzles have different levels of difficulty depending on whether you are playing in casual mode, detective mode or adventure mode, and depending on the mode selected, a certain number of puzzles can be skipped unsolved. The modes also determine the extent to which the player himself can decide in which order the investigations will take place. For example, in casual and detective mode, to simplify matters, you are forced to record your observations on the so-called "Deduction Board" at the end of each of the seven levels, while in adventure mode you can only turn to this task at the very end. In addition to the selected mode, you can also play in the so-called time mode, with a limit of 30 to 45 minutes being set depending on the level. If you don't manage to finish the level in this time, you have to start it again. In contrast to the difficulty modes, this time mode can be switched on or off at any time during the game. Voice output was completely dispensed with, so that the few dialogues between Holmes and Watson take place exclusively on the text level. The interrogations of the witnesses and suspects take place exclusively through Scotland Yard, so that information can only be obtained afterwards via the files.

Production notes

The locations of Sherlock Holmes - The Secret of the Persian Carpet were all taken from the second part of the official Frogwares series, Sherlock Holmes: The Secret of the Silver Earring and only slightly changed. For example, the Lindons 'estate corresponds to that of the Bromsbys, Willis' lair to the ruins at Richmond Abbey, and the painter's apartment to that of the bartender Hunter. A large number of the puzzles also come from previously published parts of the Frogwares series. For example, you have to pick a lock in the Aston Theater in the same way as you did in the mental hospital in Sherlock Holmes: The Trail of the Awakened . In the theater there is also a hole in the net to mend, a riddle that is found in the same form in Sherlock Holmes chasing Arsène Lupine .


publication Rating
Adventure Gamers 2/5

Sherlock Holmes: As is usual with most casual games, the secret of the Persian carpet was rarely tested and when it was, it was mostly given moderate reviews. The Computer Bild Spiele wrote: "What at first looks like a cheap hidden object game actually turns out to be an exciting puzzle and combination task for beginners. And that's 'satisfactory'." The rating was 2.67.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jump up ↑ Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet. Retrieved April 1, 2018 .
  2. ^ Review conclusion of Computer Bild Spiele