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Original title Shots
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2004
length 104 minutes
Director Achim Hasenberg
script Achim Hasenberg, Adriana Hasenberg (only mentioned in Shots 1.2 )
production Filmband,
University of the Media
music Jojo Bödecker
camera Christoph Rose
cut Christoph Lumpe , Achim Hasenberg

Shots is a film by Achim Michael Hasenberg from 2004 and his and the thesis of the cameraman Christoph Rose at the Hochschule der Medien . It is Hasenberg's first feature-length film that has been shown in selected cinemas but has not yet been released on DVD. In 2012, as part of the successful theatrical release of I Want to Run - The hardest race in the world, a version of the film shortened by 18 minutes and partially re-cut with the title Shots 1.2 was released as a digital copy.


Christian is a successful scene writer in Berlin , but finds his life boring. He wants to give more meaning to life than just writing about parties and sex stories. His girlfriend Diana surprised him that she killed someone and just as accidentally left something of Christian at the scene. Now the police are looking for him and Diana asks Christian not to reveal her. Christian flees.


The film was the thesis of the two fellow students Achim Hasenberg and Christoph Rose at the Hochschule der Medien, who studied from 1998 to 2003 and had previously made several short films together. It was also the first feature-length thesis at the Media University. The film was produced by the specially founded film production Filmband . It was shot on 16mm and mini-DV and scanned on 35mm. Apart from selected cinemas, the film was only shown at festivals, including the Cairo International Film Festival . The new version Shots 1.2 was also shown at some festivals and also published as a digital copy for the first time.

Shots , shot in the late summer of 2002, describes the “Berlin myth” of the noughties, which have now become the capital's DNA, and the attitude towards life of young people during this period. In the film, the most diverse meeting places of the time appear such as Oranienburger Straße , Tacheles , the district around Hackesche Höfe and the scene club Cookies, which was closed in 2014 . Die Welt wrote about cookies : "(The)" Cookies "was an ideal of nightlife, like (...) the orgies in ancient Rome, the parties of Marie Antoinette," Studio 54 "." The parts of the plot of shots that took place in the Cookies play, change the plot in a sometimes surreal, erotic way and are the mainspring, just as ambiguous in the film, for the whole of the story. The film also bows to other films that portray the respective epoch, such as Blow Up and Out of Breath .

The film was partly shot like a documentary, sometimes even with a hidden camera, e.g. B. the scene in Oranienburger Strasse. This is how passers-by who happened to be there at the time act with the main character. Other locations were Dammsmühle Castle , the Lichterfelde village church , UdK and the Lapidarium, which closed in 2010, with the monuments of the former Siegesallee .


According to Hasenberg, the title of the film refers to the shots of his pistol fired by Christian in the film, the photo shots of Diana as well as the intentionally documentary snapshots of life in Berlin at that time. The working title was 3:30 , the presumable point in time at which Hasenberg remembered an important twist in the film plot in his sleep.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Website for the film Shots
  2. Digital copy of Shots 1.2
  3. World premiere of Shots 1.2 in Marbella Facebook page of Filmband
  4. ^ "Work on the Myth"
  5. Sex was always possible in "Cookies". Retrieved July 21, 2017 .
  6. Diploma thesis Christoph Rose, University of the Media, Stuttgart, 2003
  7. a b Diploma thesis Achim Hasenberg, Hochschule der Medien, 2003