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Siar p1
Ship data
flag German EmpireThe German Imperium German Empire
Ship type Steamship
Shipyard Bremer Vulkan , Vegesack
Build number 455
Keel laying 1902
Whereabouts ?
Ship dimensions and crew
37.90 m ( Lüa )
width 6.80 m
Draft Max. 2.76 m
displacement ~ 425 t
measurement 325 GRT
crew 18th
Machine system
machine Steam engine
315 hp (232 kW)
9 kn (17 km / h)
propeller 1

The Siar was a ship of the New Guinea Company during the German colonial era .


The Siar was named after the island of Siar near Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen in German New Guinea . The steamship was originally built as a freighter, but was then converted for the purposes of the New Guinea Company. The ship was managed by North German Lloyd from 1902 to 1914 .

The main tasks of the ship were the collection of copra from plantations to ships that brought the cargo to Europe for further processing, the transport of recruited workers for the plantations of the company, the transport of mail and the transport of all other navigable goods in their sailing area. The cargo hold of the ship could be used for goods journeys or for the transport of workers as required. In the aft the Siar had four cabins for passengers and a 7.5 m² saloon. The salon was also used to host guests in the berths, mainly Germans from the local plantation administrations, colonial officials, doctors and so on for meetings and discussions on board, as was customary with all German ships in the German South Seas .

The Siar was also used as a troop transport during the uprising on Ponape in 1910/11.

During the First World War , the ship was taken over by Australia. In 1924 the Siar was declared unseaworthy and auctioned off by the Australian government together with the Madang and Meklong . Their whereabouts are not known.


  • Erich Gröner : The German warships 1815-1945 Volume 7, Bernard & Graefe, Koblenz 1990, page 224


  1. ^ Arnold Kludas : Die Seeschiffe des Norddeutscher Lloyd 1920-1970 , Köhlers Verlagsgesellschaft, Herford 1992, p. 164
  2. Burkhard Viehweg: Big Fellow Man - Muschelgeld and Südseegeister - Authentic reports from German New Guinea 1906-1909 , Verlag Josef Margraf, Weikersheim 1990, pages 225, 236, 246–248
  3. Erich Gröner: The German Warships 1815-1945 Volume 7, Bernard & Graefe, Koblenz 1990, page 224
  4. The Sydney Morning Herald, December 27, 1910, p. 7
  5. ^ The Brisbane Courier: All unseaworthy - Government ships at Rabaul , Friday February 1, 1924 issue, p. 5
  6. ^ The Argus (Melbourne): Government owned steamships for sale , Tuesday April 24, 1924 issue, p. 4