Siberut macaque

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Siberut macaque
Superfamily : Tailed Old World Monkey (Cercopithecoidea)
Family : Vervet monkey relatives (Cercopithecidae)
Subfamily : Cheekbones monkey (Cercopithecinae)
Tribe : Baboons (Papionini)
Genre : Macaque ( macaca )
Type : Siberut macaque
Scientific name
Macaca siberu
Fuentes & Olson , 1995

The Siberut macaque ( Macaca siberu ) is a primate species from the genus of macaques within the family of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecidae), which occurs exclusively on the Indonesian island of Siberut . Sometimes it is combined with the Pagai macaque as Macaca pagensis siberu to form a common species ( Mentawai macaque ).


Siberut macaques reach a head body length of about 48 (males) or 40 to 45 (females) centimeters, plus a tiny, stubby tail. The weight of male monkeys is 6 to 9 kg, females weigh 4.5 to 6 kg. Like all macaques, they are built to be relatively robust. The fur is dark in color, the belly and chest are light. White hair on the cheeks is striking. White hair on the nape of the neck, as in the Pagai macaque, is missing. The face of the Siberut macaque is wider than that of the Pagai macaque.

Habitat and way of life

These animals live exclusively on the Indonesian island of Siberut, which belongs to the Mentawai Islands off Sumatra . They live there in all types of forest. These are primary forests , which are dominated by wing fruit plants , mixed forests, mangroves , secondary forests , gallery forests and populations of the nipa palm . The habitat of the monkeys is very humid with up to 4000 mm of precipitation per year.

Red - the island of Siberut, the distribution area of ​​the Siberut Maka

Little is known about the way of life. Like all macaques, Siberut macaques are diurnal and can be found both in the trees and on the ground. They live in groups. In the center of Siberut, groups with a maximum of 15 animals were observed, in the north there are larger groups with up to 27 members. Sometimes the Siberut macaques also form mixed groups with the Siberut langurs ( Presbytis siberu ). Siberut macaques feed primarily on ripe fruits (approx. 75%), as well as arthropods , leaves, mushrooms and bark. When searching for food, the groups split up into smaller ones and keep in contact with each other by shouting.


Also due to their small distribution area (their home island only covers around 4000 km²), Siberut macaques are among the endangered representatives of their genus. The destruction of their habitat has resulted in the species being classified as "Vulnerable" according to the IUCN . The population is estimated at 17,000 to 30,000 animals.


  • Thomas Geissmann : Comparative Primatology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 2003, ISBN 3-540-43645-6 .
  • Don E. Wilson, DeeAnn M. Reeder (Eds.): Mammal Species of the World. A taxonomic and geographic Reference. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Elizabeth L. Gadsby, Colin P. Groves, Aoife Healy, K. Praveen Karanth, Sanjay Molur, Tilo Nadler, Matthew C. Richardson, Erin P. Riley, Anthony B. Rylands, Lori K. Sheeran, Nelson Ting, Janette Wallis, Siân S. Waters & Danielle J. Whittaker: Family Cercopithecidae (Old World Monkeys). Page 635 in Russell A. Mittermeier , Anthony B. Rylands & Don E. Wilson : Handbook of the Mammals of the World: - Volume 3. Primates. Lynx Editions, 2013 ISBN 978-8496553897
  2. Macaca Siberu in the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN 2006. Posted by: A. Eudey & Members of the Primate Specialist Group, 2000. Retrieved on February 16 2017th

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