Sibylle Gabrielle Riquetti de Mirabeau

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Sibylle Gabrielle Marie Antoinette Riquetti de Mirabeau

Sibylle Aimée Marie-Antoinette Gabrielle de Riquetti de Mirabeau , Countess de Martel de Janville (born August 16, 1849 at Coëtsal Castle near Plumergat, in the Morbihan department , Brittany ; † June 28, 1932 in Neuilly-sur-Seine ) was a French Writer who published her works under the pseudonym " Gyp ".

She was the daughter of Count Mirabeau, Joseph-Arundel de Riquetti (1820-1860), and Countess de Gonneville (1827-1903).

In 1869 Sibylle married Count Roger de Martel de Janville. She became the mother of three children.

Her salon in Neuilly-sur-Seine visited u. a. Robert de Montesquiou , Marcel Proust , Edgar Degas , Maurice Barrès , Anatole France , Paul Valéry , Alphonse Daudet and Jean-Louis Forain .

Gyp wrote many novels, mostly with satirical content. Their political views were extremely conservative. She hated Republicans and Jews. So she welcomed the condemnation of Alfred Dreyfus benevolently . Her first articles appeared in La Vie Parisienne in February 1877 , and a little later in La Revue des Deux Mondes . From 1880 her novels appeared in book form under the code name " Gyp ". She wrote a total of 120 novels.


  • Silverman, Willa Z .: The Notorious Life of Gyp - Right-Wing Anarchist in Fin-de-Siècle France . Oxford University Press, New York 1995, ISBN 978-0-19-508754-3
  • Olivier de Brabois: Gyp Comtesse de Mirabeau-Martel 1849-1932. Publibook, 2003, ISBN 978-2748315929

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