Sido von Neumünster

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Sido von Neumünster , lat. Sido praepositus Novimonasteriensis († before 1207 ) was an Augustinian canon and provost of the Neumünster monastery .


Sido was provost of the Neumünster canon between 1177 and 1204. He met in 1197 as a documentary witness; in an undated document Archbishop Hartwig II of Hamburg-Bremen (1185–1207) he is named as deceased. Its origin is uncertain. He describes himself as a friend and peer of Helmold von Bosau .

Two letters, known as Epistola Sidonis, to Pastor Gozwin von Haseldorf (1195/96) about the parish of Bishorst and a letter to Abbot Dietrich II of St. Michael in Hildesheim (1199) about property claims in the village of Arpsdorf are certainly attributed to him . In the 1180s, Sido forged at least six documents from Neumünster Abbey and at least three from Segeberg Abbey , which were intended to strengthen the ownership and rights of the two canon monasteries vis-à-vis the Hamburg Cathedral Chapter .

He may also have recorded the Visio Godeschalci . The older literature such as Wilhelm von Bippen also attributed the Versus de vita Vicelini to him. These were created during his tenure and were used by him in the Epistola Sidonis .


  • Epistola Sidonis , MGH
  • Epistola ad Theodericum II abbatem S. Michaelis in Hildesheim


  • Enno Bünz : Sido von Neumünster , in: The German literature of the Middle Ages. Author Lexicon. (²VL), Volume 8: 'Revaler Rechtsbuch' - Sittich, Erhard (1992), pp. 1152-1154 doi : 10.1515 / 9783110889123.1109

Web links

  • Entry in the repertory of historical sources of the German Middle Ages

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Neumünster canon monastery was moved to Bordesholm in 1330 ; see Bordesholm Monastery .
  2. ^ Wilhelm von Bippen: Critical investigation into the Versus de vita Vicelini and the so-called report of the Provost Sido von Neumünster. Lübeck: Rathgens 1868, plus dissertation Göttingen ( digitized version )