Sigismund Furrer

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Sigismund Furrer from Unterbäch

Sigismund Furrer (real name Johann Josef Christian Furrer; born December 24, 1788 in Unterbäch , Canton Wallis , † June 1, 1865 in Sion ) was the first historiographer of the Valais and provincial of the Swiss Capuchins .


Johann Josef Christian Furrer was born as the son of Theophil Furrer and Maria Venetz. He grew up in Unterbäch in the Salzgebe district in the Sigismund House, which was later named after him. In 1810 he joined the Capuchin Order in Sion. In 1811 he was ordained a priest in Freiburg under the name Sigismund, in honor of St. Sigismund (founder of the St-Maurice VS monastery ). He was several times guardian , lecturer and novice master in Sion and Solothurn. From 1836 to 1839 he was provincial mediator between conservative and liberal currents on the question of school reform. He was twice proposed as Bishop of Sion by the Liberals of Valais. From 1844 to 1847 he was an education councilor. From 1845 to 1850 he was a lecturer at the episcopal seminary and the Lyceum in Sion. In 1861 he was the founder and first president of the History Research Society of the Canton of Valais.

The painter Laurent Justin Ritz wrote of his activity with the Capuchins in 1844: «During this time I was extremely happy with the dear Fathers and especially with the learned, good, humble Father Sigismund Furrer. I would like to use this active man as a model for our monastery and secular priest. "

Sigismund Furrer, historiographer from Unterbäch, three volumes

The historian

His three-volume work, published from 1850 to 1852 as the first Valais story in German, often had to put up with the accusation of unreliability. Sigismund Furrer was aware that he had not achieved anything perfect with his work, as he writes in the foreword. He just wanted to remedy the complaint that the country had no history of its own. "That is why the little that appears in this attempt at a fatherland history will at least be forgivable and received with indulgence: and all the more so because the author, in addition to the skills, time and resources, is missing out on something complete."

Although «no writing material is exposed to greater danger and harsher criticism than historical […], [this] could not stifle the desire to remedy a time need; rather, it led to the idea: something imperfect paves the way to what is so much desired and perfect ».

He pioneered the nature of historical research in Valais. He published over twenty historical works. In 1861 he founded the first historical association in Upper Valais.

Coin for Sigismund Furrer

When in 1857 the III. The General Swiss Industry, Art, Literature and State Exhibition in Bern awarded a commemorative medal, which shows the appreciation of his work.

The Capuchin

The Capuchins see their special charisma in the emphasis on the contemplative life of prayer, coupled with closeness to people, especially the poor, the weak and the sick.

When the village pastor Alois Werlen moved from Unterbäch to Kippel, he took the bright Christian Furrer with him and was concerned about his education. Within the order, Father Sigismund Furrer then held various functions in Sion, and after fleeing the French from Valais, he spent several years in Lucerne and Solothurn before returning to Sion.

At the time of Father Sigismund Furrer, the Capuchin Order was characterized by a stormy and uncertain development. Furrer represented the opening of the Capuchin community, which at that time was strongly polarized by confreres who were on the one hand rather conservative but on the other hand pushing forward. He was provincial of the Swiss Capuchins from 1836 to 1839 - but was only elected to this office once because of his convictions.

Theodosius Florentini was one of his disciples in Sion, and he had a significant influence on him. Theodosius, the Caritas apostle and later founder of the congregations of sisters in Menzingen and Ingenbohl , confessed: "This man learned me to study, opened my spiritual eye."

In the home monastery, Father Sigismund enjoyed the respect and trust of the ecclesiastical and secular authorities. The Valais government had proposed him twice as a candidate for the bishopric of Sion.

Furrer's most important theological publication is his work on the ministry. For Furrer, in the sense of the theology of revelation, "positive revelation" forms the basis of Christian faith. As such, it transcends human, even the most "enlightened" reason, the guideline and norm of which it rather represents.


  • History, statistics and collection of documents about Valais. Edited by Hochw. P. Sigismund Furrer. Calpini-Albertazzi publishing house, Sitten 1850–1852. Volume 1: History of Valais ( limited preview in Google book search). Volume 2: Statistics from Valais ( limited preview in Google book search). Volume 3: Documents relating to Valais ( limited preview in the Google book search).


  • Walliser Bote , June 9, 1965, 100th anniversary of death.
  • Walliser Bote , June 6, 2015, 150th anniversary of death.
  • Anton Gattlen: Directory of the handwritten estate of Sigismund Furrer. 1969.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christian Schweizer: Sigismund Furrer. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. The hamlet of Salzgebe. In:
  3. Anton Gattlen: Directory of the handwritten estate of Sigismund Furrer. 1969.
  4. a b c d e Br. Stanislaus Noti On the 100th anniversary of Father Sigismund Furrer's death. In: Walliser Bote . June 9, 1965 (PDF; 1.13 MB).
  5. ^ PA Jann: Theodosius Florentini on Father Sigismund Furrer. In: Walliser Jahrbuch (calendar). 1934.
  6. ^ Nestor Werlen in: Schweizerische Kirchenzeitung . 39/2008.
  7. L. Samson: Regeneration from the spirit of Christian mysticism. Lecture Paulus Academy Zurich , November 15, 2008.
  8. ^ Christian Schweizer: Amateur and Mediator. On the death of the Capuchin Sigismund Furrer 150 years ago. (PDF; 336 kB) In: Walliser Bote, June 6, 2015, accessed on March 10, 2018 .