Signe Persson-Melin

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"Curry" spice jar, 1955
Glass teapot with warmer for Boda Nova , 1971
Pewter teapot for Svenskt Tenn , 2004

Signe Persson-Melin (* 1925 in Malmö ) is a Swedish designer who mainly works with ceramics , glass and pewter .


Signe Persson-Melin became interested in pottery from an early age . She dropped out of school to make jugs in a small company in Lomma , near Malmö. She received her education in the late 1940s in Copenhagen and at the Konstfack Art School in Stockholm .

life and work

Signe Persson-Melin achieved her breakthrough at the Helsingborg exhibition in 1955 with little spice pots in clay and white tin glaze , a strong cork served as a lid and clear lettering explained the content. That was cheeky and new and went straight to the audience. During the 1950s and 1960s it made a name for itself with its rustic utility ceramics in simple and functional shapes, as well as jugs and bowls made of earthenware . During the 1970s she created various glass products for the BodaNova company , for example a teapot with a cork handle and a matching glass teapot. This jug was plagiarized all over the world . She also had orders for Höganäs Keramik , Kosta Boda and Rörstrand .

Persson-Melin has also carried out several major public artistic decorations, such as: B. in the subway station T-Centralen in Stockholm, together with Anders Österlin (1956–57) and Nya Folkets Hus in Stockholm with Anders Liljefors (1959–60). Their design language in ceramics could also be transferred directly to pewter, such as the elegant pewter teapot for Svenskt Tenn (2004).

From 1985–90 and 1993–94 she was a professor at the Konfack Art School in Stockholm. In 2002 she received the Culture Prize of the Skåne Region ( Association of Schonen Region ) endowed with 100,000 crowns and in 2003 she received a ceramic grant from Gustavsberg .

She has been married to graphic designer John Melin since 1955 and has had her own studio in Mamö since 1998.

Some works (selection)

  • Ruben , Glas for Boda 1967
  • Sill i kv adrat, for Boda 1969
  • Original , in glass and cork 1971
  • Sparkling , glass 1971
  • Chess , service for Boda Nova 1971
  • Primeur , service for Rörstrand 1980
  • À la carte , service for Rörstrand 1980
  • Signum , service (also cutlery and glass) for Boda Nova 1994
  • Tennkanna , tin can for Svenskt Tenn, 2004


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