Silver heads

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Silver heads
Diretmus argenteus

Diretmus argenteus

Cohort : Euteleosteomorpha
Sub-cohort : Neoteleostei
Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Order : Trachichthyiformes
Family : Silver heads
Scientific name
Gill , 1896

The silver heads (Diretmidae) (Greek, “di” = two, “eretmos” = oars) are a family of fish from the order Trachichthyiformes that live in the Atlantic , Indian and Pacific at depths of 0 to 2000 meters.


The fish are high-backed, 23 to 37 centimeters long, have large eyes and no side line . The dorsal and anal fins have no hard rays and 24 to 30 or 19 to 22 soft rays. The small pelvic fins have one hard and six soft rays. The belly line is provided with a sharp keel. The number of Branchiostegal rays is seven to eight, those of the vertebrae 20 to 32.


There are four types in three genera:


Web links

Commons : Silver Heads  - Collection of images, videos and audio files