Simon Friedrich Hahn

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Simon Friedrich Hahn (born July 28, 1692 in Berge monastery ; † February 18, 1729 in Hanover ) was a German historian and librarian .


Hahn moved to the University of Halle in 1707 at the age of 14, after his father, a senior civil servant in the Count's administration in Burg , had prepared him for his studies . There he studied history and journalism mainly under the disputed scholars Nikolaus Hieronymus Gundling and Johann Peter von Ludewig . Hahn will remain true to the teaching of these two professors in his own work. After the young talent was recognized at the university, he began to give lectures in 1711 with the special permission of the philosophical faculty, although he did not yet hold a master's degree. This only followed two years later.

At the age of 24, he was appointed full professor of history at the University of Helmstedt in 1717 , where he remained for seven years before he was appointed head librarian and historiographer to the Royal Public Library in Hanover in 1725 , where he was, as before at the University of Helmstedt Johann Georg von Eckhart followed in office. Hahn died there after four years in office.

Works (selection)

  • Complete introduction to the history of the German State Empire and Kayser and the resulting Jure Publico , 4 volumes, Halle and Leipzig 1721–1724
  • Collectio monumentorum veterum et recentiorum , 2 volumes, Braunschweig 1724–1726


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