Simon Vissering

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Simon Vissering

Simon Vissering (born June 23, 1818 in Amsterdam , † September 21, 1888 in Ellecom ) was a Dutch economist and statistician .


Vissering came from a German East Frisian merchant family. His father Willem Vissering (born April 16, 1792 in Leer , † September 30, 1856 in Zeist) moved to Amsterdam, where his wife Debora (Simons) Menalda (born September 6, 1794 in Bolsward, † March 29, 1821 in Amsterdam) Simon gave birth as a second child. Simon had attended the Latin school in Amsterdam and from 1835 frequented the Athenaeum Illustre Amsterdam . On June 8, 1837 he enrolled at the University of Leiden , where from 1839 he gave lectures by Petrus Hofman Peerlkamp , John Bake , Cornelis Jacobus van Assen and Johan Rudolf Thorbeckeheard. On June 20, 1842 he received his doctorate with the treatise Quaestiones Plautinae to the doctor of law and literature.

In 1843 he settled as a lawyer in his hometown and continued his literary and economic studies there. During that time numerous articles appeared in the Amsterdamer Allgemeine Handelsblatt , in the Journal de Grid and he worked as an editor at the Amsterdam'schen Courant. On January 18, 1850 he was appointed professor of political economy at the law faculty of the University of Leiden by royal resolution, which office he took up on March 23, 1850 with the speech over vrijheid, het grondbeginsel der staathuishoudkunde . He gave lectures on political economy, statistics and political history, which attracted a large number of listeners.

This attraction intensified when he published his handbook of practical staathuishoudkunde (handbook of practical political economy), which was the first comprehensive Dutch textbook on economics. Vissering had also written some papers in the field of statistics. In addition, Vissering took part in the organizational tasks of the Leiden University and was rector of the University of Leiden in 1855/56 . In 1859 he was appointed to the Central Statistical Commission . From August 18, 1879 he was Minister of Finance in the Van Lynden van Sandenburg cabinet . Since he renounced his teaching post, he was retired from his professorship on September 8, 1879 by royal resolution.

On May 25, 1881 Vissering gave up his ministerial office and retired into private life. On February 21, 1882 he became curator of the Leiden University. During his lifetime he had also received recognition. On November 13, 1869 he became a Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion and was appointed Grand Officer of the Order of the Oak Crown . On May 7, 1861 he became a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences and also a member of the Society of Dutch Literature in Leiden. He died in his summer country estate Ellinchem in the village of Ellecom.


On December 16, 1847, Vissering married in Amsterdam Grietje Cornelis Corver (born August 7, 1825 in Amsterdam; † July 6, 1898 in The Hague), the daughter of Cornelis Pieterzoon Corver (1794-1854) and Alexandra Couttis Alma (1804-1871 ). The marriage resulted in 12 children, seven of whom reached adulthood. You know the children:

  • Alexandrina Vissering († April 11, 1897 in Arnhem) married in 1872 to the banker Johan de Rouville († August 3, 1878 in Rhenen)
  • Willem Vissering, (born January 18, 1851 in Leiden, † January 20, 1931 in The Hague) wrote On chinese currency (1877), later Secretary and Council of Railways
  • Johanna Vissering married June 15, 1880 in Rheden to Carel Jan Adriaan Spiering (* Tiel)
  • Jacobus David Vissering later post director in Elst
  • Cornelia Margaretha Vissering
  • Laura Adriana Vissering
  • Gerard Vissering (born March 1, 1865 in Leiden, † December 19, 1937 in Bloemendaal) later President of the Dutch Bank

Works (selection)

  • Quaestiones Plautinae. Amsterdam 1842
  • Some opmerkingen ter zake der aardappelziekte. Door SV Amsterdam 1845
  • Friedrich Schiller, eene levensschets. Amsterdam 1845 (translation)
  • Redevoering over de voorgenomen verstorming in het Eng. tarief van incomende rights. Amsterdam 1846 (translation)
  • Over de landverhuizing in het algemeen en die naar Ned. Indië in het bijzonder: een woord tot den army SV door den schrijver van: Wat moet het zwaarste because? Deventer 1847
  • Divorce of the tariefhervorming in Engelland . Amsterdam 1847
  • The iced out van een people book over de pligen en regten van den Ned. citizen. Uitg. vanwege de Amstelsocieteit. Amsterdam 1850 (attributed)
  • Het wisselregt the 19e eeuw. Naar aanl. van de Allg. German bill of exchange regulations. Amsterdam 1850
  • Handboek van practical staatshuishoudkunde . Amsterdam 1860–1865 3rd vol., 1867 2nd vol., 1872, 1878
  • Handleiding tot het statistically onderzoek . Utrecht 1857
  • A woord ter toelichting van het vraagstuk concerning onteigening voor de spoorweg van Leiden naar Woerden. Leiden 1861
  • Nog een woord over het vraagstuk concerning onteigening van de spoorweg van Leiden naar Woerden. Leiden 1862
  • De grondtrekken van het Ned. state tax. Haarlem 1863
  • Wrestling. Collection of smaller fonts. Amsterdam 1863–1872 (three volumes)
  • De hand of man. Fair speech. Leiden 1867
  • Onze Grondwet. Fair speech. Amsterdam 1873
  • Handleiding tot het statistically onderzoek. Utrecht 1875
  • Onpersoonlijke amendementen op het ontwerp van wet tot Regeling van het hooger onderwijs. Leiden 1876, (anonymous)


  • JT Buys: Levensbericht1 van Mr. S. Vissering. In: Handelingen en mededeelingen van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden, over het jaar 1890-1891. EJ Brill, Leiden 1891, pp. 116–154 ( online )
  • JT Buys: Mr. Simon Vissering. In memoriam. In: De Gids. PN van Kampen, Amsterdam 1888, p. 466 ( online )
  • HF Wijnman: VISSERING (Simon) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 10. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 1119–1122 (Dutch, / - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1937, reprinted unchanged).

Web links

Commons : Simon Vissering  - collection of images, videos and audio files