Simona Cerutti

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Simona Cerutti (born September 24, 1954 ) is an Italian historian and since 2001 Directrice d'Etudes à l 'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris; Since 2015 she has also been Directrice responsable du Laboratoire de Démographie et Histoire Sociale (LaDéHiS), EHESS, Paris.

Life and study

Cerutti was born in Italy. She now lives in France , is married and has two children.

She completed secondary school and university studies in Turin . In the mid-1970s, when she was twenty, she began to work for Einaudi Verlag , where she a. a. came into contact with Giulio Einaudi , Italo Calvino and Primo Levi .

The encounter with Giovanni Levi had a major impact on Cerutti. He helped her with her dissertation , which was supervised by Maurice Aymard and Jacques Revel , and integrated her into a network of young researchers that he had built up. They met weekly to deal with relevant historiography texts . Simona Cerutti described these meetings as important moments of exchange as they encouraged critical thinking.

In the 1980s, when Giovanni Levi and Carlo Ginzburg decided to bring the book series Microstorie into being at Einaudi Verlag, Cerutti edited the various editions. Under Ginzburg and Giovanni Levi's editorship, 23 titles appeared between 1981 and 1991, including original works by Italian scholars and translations of studies by foreign historians such as Natalie Zemon Davis and Edward P. Thompson . P. 6

In 1985 she moved to Paris to complete her doctorate. There she began to work with Giovanni Levi and Ginzburg on the issues of micro theory . During this time she intensified her collaboration with Ginzburg, with whom she started a new series at the Feltrinelli publishing house after the publications at Einaudi Verlag had ended.

Cerutti was co-director of the book series Microstorie from 1985 to 1990 together with Ginzburg and Giovanni Levi. In 1989 she became co-director of the journal Quaderni Storici . Since 2015 she has been a member of the Research Community (WOG) of the Urban Agency at University of Antwerp, which is coordinated by Bert De Munck.

Research interests

Cerutti's research interests include ' class society' and hierarchies in early modern societies. She is particularly interested in the development of law within language and the meaning of law for individual actors.

She chairs the international research group “Citoyenneté et propriété au nord et au sud de la Méditerranée, XVIe-XIXe siècles: 2016–2020”. This consists of students who, as part of a project, investigate the idea of ​​citizenship in northern and southern regions of the Mediterranean and work on a comparative basis.

Cerutti deals extensively with the future of social history and above all with the development of micro-historical process technologies. She is currently writing a book about social communication with the authorities in early modern Italy.

She researches the history of hierarchy and social classifications in European cities of the Ancien Régime . She specifically addresses the following points:

  • Communication with authorities and the demands for justice between the social classes in the modern age
  • Legal and social classification of citizens and foreigners
  • Legal proceedings and burden of proof in court in the Ancien Régime
  • Comparative History of Citizenship in the Northern and Southern Mediterranean

Cerutti and the micro-history

Cerutti is referred to as the representative of the Italian branch of micro-history (microstoria). The two approaches to cultural and social analysis known in Italian microhistory have often been seen as competing. According to Cerutti, however, this is not expedient because these two approaches are too closely interwoven. Cultural models are shaped by social rules and it makes little sense to consider these two areas separately or differently. According to Cerutti, society as a whole should be the focus, which is why she criticizes Ginzburg for his separation of the analysis of cultural models from those of the socially oriented. Ginzburg creates too few links between the two models, which is mentioned above all in relation to his work The Cheese and the Worms . Microhistorians who focus on social history , on the other hand, do not intend to separate the analysis of the two contexts; rather, Cerutti tried to examine the cultural context at the level of the individual. There is a convergence between microhistorians with social and cultural preferences. Cerutti therefore recommends not to try to shape the actors into something and impose a role on them, but to allow the impressions to take effect. The actors should be observed in their decisions and their choices within the possibilities of cultural tradition. The cultural context is therefore not determined by the researcher, but by the convictions of the actors and their course through history and their relationship to prevailing traditions. An analysis thus begins from an emic point of view of the actor and this is one of the main differences between the two social and cultural levels of analysis.

Cerutti's book on Turin in the 17th and 18th centuries is cited as a prime example for observing the interweaving of social facts and their representation. Although groupings within societies ascribe themselves to certain categories, historians should always question them and not immediately accept them as fact. Rather, interpersonal connections should be analyzed in order to understand the emergence of social classes in relation to solidarity, alliances and constitution . Cerutti is also of the opinion that analyzes of the social network are recommended to show changes within a society. A link between individual rationality and collective identity leads to the constitution of social groups.



  • Etrangers. Etude d'une condition d'incertitude dans une société d'Ancien Régime , Bayard, Paris 2012, ISBN 978-2-227-48303-3 , ISBN 2-227-48303-2 .
  • Giustizia sommaria. Pratiche e ideali di giustizia in una società di Ancien Régime (Torino, XVIII secolo), Gian Giacomo Feltrinelli Editore, Milan, 2003, ISBN 88-07-10353-2 .
  • Mestieri e privilegi. Nascita delle corporazioni a Torino, secoli XVII-XVIII , (éd. Italienne) Einaudi, Turin 1992, ISBN 88-06-12895-7 .
  • La Ville et les métiers. Naissance d'un langage corporatif (Turin, XVII e -XVIII e siècle), Editions de l'EHESS, Paris 1990, ISBN 2-7132-0954-4 .

Contributions to an anthology

  • L'appartenance locale et propriété au nord et au sud de la Méditerranée (en collaboration avec S. Bargaoui et I. Grangaud), Cahiers de IREMAM ( ), ISBN 978-2 -8218-6383-5 , doi: 10.4000 / books.iremam.3396 .
  • Suppliques. Lois et cas dans la normativité de l'époque moderne (en collaboration avec M. Vallerani), Atelier du Center des Recherches Historiques ( ), doi: 10.4000 / acrh.6564 .
  • "Fatti: storie dell'evidenza empirica", numéro monographique de Quademi Storici 108.3, 2001 (en collaboration avec G. Pomata), ISBN 88-15-08023-6 .
  • "Procedure di giustizia", ​​numéro monographique de Quademi Storici , 101, 2, 1999, (en collaboration with R. Ago).
  • "Cittadinanze", numéro monographique de Quaderni Storici , 89, 2, 1995 (en collaboration with R. Descimon et M. Prak), ISBN 88-15-04832-4 .
  • Conflitti nel mondo del lavoro , numéro monographique de Quaderni Storici , 80, 3, 1992 (en collaboration avec C. Poni), ISBN 88-15-03470-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Personal information from Simona Cerutti by email on June 30, 2019
  2. ^ Francesca Trivellato: Is There a Future for Italian Microhistory in the Age of Global History? No. 2 (1) . California Italian Studies, California 2011.
  3. Simona Cerutti. May 23, 2017, accessed June 23, 2019 .
  4. Simona Cerutti. Retrieved June 26, 2019 .
  5. Simona Cerutti. Retrieved June 23, 2019 (French).
  6. Simona Cerutti: Microhistory: Social relations versus cultural models? In: A.-M. Castrén, M. Lonkila and M. Peltonen (Eds.): Between Sociology and History. Essays on micro history, collective action, and nation-building . SKS - Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki 2004.
  7. Ándreas Nagy: Társadalmi mobilitás a kapcsolatok hálózatában - visszatérés a társadalom configurációs szemléletéhez . In: Papp, G. and IM Szijártó (eds.): Mikrotörténelem másodfokon . L'Harmattan, Budapest 2010.
  8. ^ Simona Cerutti: La ville er les métiers: Naissance d'un langage corporatif (Turin, 17e-18e siècle) . Édition de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris 1990.