Scandinavian lust

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German title Scandinavian lust
Original title Bel Ami
Country of production Sweden , France
original language English
Publishing year 1976
length 104 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Mac Ahlberg
(as Bert Torn )
script Mac Ahlberg
(as Edward Mannering )
production Inge Ivarson
(as Ivan Bernhardsson )
music Olivier Toussaint
camera Tony Forsberg

Scandinavian Lust (original title: Bel Ami ) is a Swedish porn film from 1976. The film was shot by Mac Ahlberg under the pseudonym Bert Turm . Guy de Maupassant's novel Bel-Ami from 1885 served as a template. The film premiered on October 25, 1976 in Jönköping .


The rather unsuccessful journalist and occasional poet George Duroy has the opportunity to become editor of the sex magazine "Playhouse". To prove his suitability, he travels the world to tell erotic stories. He seduces a number of women who can bring him closer to his goal and finally arrives at the goal of his desires.


For the Danish-language website “Planet Pulp” the film is “a sex comedy that has more plot than other porn films and in the first half fluctuates between soft and hardcore porn, but in the second half it is pure hardcore porn.” The dictionary of the international Films saw “a series of intimate scenes in a fashionable and chic setting.” In his essay on the hero of the original (and the films), Georges Duroy, Wieland Schwanebeck writes: “(This film adaptation) puts Maupassant's material into the present the pornographic present-day fantasy of a prominent Europe under the sign of the so-called sexual revolution, which also pushed hard-core films into the cultural mainstream for a short time. "


In the film, in a series of multiple efforts by the producer and director to make porn with quality (other loose series films are Flossie , Justine and Juliette and Molly ) there was a frame story and it became both simulated sex scenes and hardcore sex scenes shown.

The German version was cut by 13 minutes of hardcore scenes.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Svenskfildatabas
  2. Bel Ami ,, January 13, 2010
  3. ^ Scandinavian pleasure in the lexicon of international film Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used
  4. Wieland Schwanebeck: The many lives of Georges Duroy: Maupassants Bel-Ami and the adaptability of the impostor. PhiN supplement 8/2014, pp. 28–52, here: p. 42. Freie Universität Berlin, 2014.
  5. Mariah Larsson: The Swedish Porn Scene: Exhibition Contexts, 8mm Pornography and the Sex Film, Intellect Books, 2016, p. 121 [1]