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October 8, 1991 to January 14, 2007
Country: SloveniaSlovenia Slovenia
Subdivision: 100 Stotinov
ISO 4217 code : SIT
Abbreviation: SIT
Exchange rate :

1 EUR = 239.640 SIT
100 SIT = 0.41729 EUR

Issuer : Banka Slovenije

The tolar ( SIT ) was the Slovenian currency that Banka Slovenije issued from the independence of the state of Slovenia in 1991 until the currency was replaced by the euro on January 1, 2007. One tolar was equal to 100 stotinov . The name Tolar is derived from Taler .

Bills and Coins

The banknotes were divided into 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 SIT. Famous personalities from Slovenian politics, history and society were depicted on them, such as Primož Trubar , Jurij Vega , Jože Plečnik , Rihard Jakopič , Iacobus Gallus , Ivan Cankar , Johann Weichard Freiherr von Valvasor , Franz Prešeren and Ivana Kobilca .

There were coins to the denominations of 10, 20, 50 stotin and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 SIT. Special animals from the Slovenian fauna were depicted on the head.

History of currency


The tolar was introduced on October 8, 1991, immediately after the expiry of the Brioni Agreement , which suspended Slovenia's declaration of independence on June 25, 1991 for three months. A 1: 1 exchange rate for the Yugoslav dinar in force up to that point was set.

Transition to the euro

Slovenia joined the EU on May 1, 2004 . On June 27, 2004, Estonia and Lithuania joined the Exchange Rate Mechanism II .

On March 8, 2006, Slovenia became the first of the countries that acceded on May 1, 2004 to submit an official application to introduce the euro on January 1, 2007. On May 16, 2006, the European Commission recommended admitting Slovenia to the Eurozone, followed by an identical recommendation by the European Parliament on June 15, 2006 . The EU summit on the same day also gave the green light for this. The formally final decision on admission in 2007 was taken by the Ecofin Council on July 11, 2006.

As a result, the euro has been the official currency in Slovenia since January 1, 2007, with a fixed exchange rate of 239.640 tolar for one euro.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. , accessed on November 24, 2019.