Social Media Week

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The Social Media Week (abbr .: SMW) is a series of events dedicated to the topic of the social, cultural and economic effects of social media . It takes place twice a year in February and September in a total of over 20 cities worldwide. It was launched in the USA in 2009 with the aim of better networking the participating people and organizations through collaboration , learning and the transfer of ideas and information.


The events are organized locally by a separate organizer for each city. As host to companies or organizations can apply to the SMW, as long as they and their city a publicly accessible list of criteria to meet. The organizers then work independently in their city and are responsible for the entire organization of the event week, including the acquisition of sponsors, partners, several rooms and speakers. However, they are tied to the date to which they are assigned (either in February or in September) as well as to the annual changing focus.


Previous speakers for Social Media Week came from companies such as Facebook , Google , , BBC , Coca-Cola , Zynga , Ogilvy and Adobe , among others . According to the company, there were 2,000 different speakers worldwide during the last event.


The SMW is aimed at everyone, from beginners to professionals in the social media industry. For this purpose, the lectures are already divided into three different levels in the program for beginners, advanced and professionals.

In contrast to similar specialist conferences, there are also a comparatively large number of women and participants over 50 years of age at Social Media Week in Germany.

In addition, selected sessions are also broadcast live online in almost all participating cities ; according to the organizer, up to 57,000 people watched here in February 2013.

Social Media Week in Germany

For the first time, the Social Media Week in Germany took place in Berlin in 2010, and Hamburg was added as the second German city in February 2012.

February 2010

The first international SMW took place simultaneously in Berlin, London, New York, San Francisco, Toronto and Sao Paulo. The focus of the conference was on the professional and everyday use of social media. "Dispute! Constructive controversy ”was the fixed heading for the series of events.

September 2011

In 2011, twelve international cities were already involved, and there were over 50 individual appointments per week in Berlin alone. The motto was "Reality check - social media in culture, society and business" and thus expanded the focus of social media in pure self-reflection to the consideration of social media influences in socially relevant topics.

Since the Berlin elections had taken place two days before , a panel under the title “Wahl Digital” offered an analysis that looked at the influence of the social web on the election. In summary, it was found that the parties had "always tried" digitally during the election campaign, but that this did not have any notable effects on the election results.

February 2012

The opening speech was given by Hamburg's first mayor, Olaf Scholz . He also took part in the subsequent discussion on "Facebook and Co. lead to a change in values". A large-scale projection of the posts from Twitter users tagged with the official hashtags took place at Hamburg's Gänsemarkt .

September 2012

The event grew to over 140 individual lectures in Berlin. Besides the main social media conference dealt this year with the related right or the links between social media and journalism which to increased citizen journalism led. There were over 10,000 participant registrations for the individual events, although only around 6,000 were expected.

February 2013

There have now been 160 individual appointments in Hamburg. Topics included "women in the games industry" and "the changing public", as well as the media skills of the parents of the so-called Internet generation .

February 2014

In 2014, Hamburg once again took part in the Social Media Week with a comprehensive program under the motto "The Future Of Now". Participants were able to find out about the latest trends at more than 200 events.

February 2015

In 2015, Social Media Week had the global motto 'Upwardly Mobile: The Rise of the Connected Class'. The ranks of keynote speakers at Social Media Week Hamburg can be summed up with '5 women, 4 men and 1 robot': Alaina Perceval, Women Who Code, speaks about 'The Rise of the Tech Class'. Zoja Paskaljevic, Dentsu Aegis Network Germany, on 'Brand Building and Innovation in the Digital Age', Marc-Sven Kopka, XING AG, discusses the topic 'Better living. Working differently ', Dr. Frauke Zeller, Ryerson University, and Dr. David Smith, Mc Master University, and their robot hitchBOT bring the participants close to the topics of artificial intelligence and speech recognition in a very practical way.

February 2016

The global motto of Social Media Week 2016 worldwide was 'The Invisible Hand: Hidden Forces of Technology'. In the program of the Social Media Week Hamburg, topics such as mobile marketing, digital banking, P2P payment were also represented in the program, as were new teaching approaches through digitization, digital storytelling or the role of sport in social media. During the five-day digital conference, crowd funding, digital democracy, big data and the protection of privacy were also on the agenda.

February 2017

The global motto of the SMW 2017 was 'Language & the Machine - Algorithms and the Future of Communication'. In the 6th year of its existence, around 3,000 participants gathered at the Social Media Week Hamburg to discuss the latest trends and developments in digitization and social media for five days.

February 2018

In 2018, Social Media Week had the global motto 'Closer - Community vs Individualism'. The Social Media Week Hamburg took place for the first time centrally in two locations on Museumsstrasse in Hamburg-Altona and discussed trends and topics relating to digitization and social media with around 3,000 visitors. The conference was opened by Dr. Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture of the City of Hamburg.

February 2019

The global motto for 2019 was 'STORIES: With Great Influence Comes Great Responsibility'. The Social Media Week Hamburg took place for the 8th time in 2019. Around 3,000 participants again attended the Hamburg digital conference, including Hamburg's First Mayor Peter Tschentscher. Toby Daniels, founder of Social Media Week, visited the conference for the first time and opened it after a greeting from Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture of the City of Hamburg.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ About - Conferences , Social Media Week
  2. Past Speakers ( Memento of the original from July 7, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Social Media Week @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. a b Facts & Figures , Social Media Week
  4. ^ Social Media Week Berlin: The new basic arithmetic operations
  5. a b Six networked cities - Social Media Week 2010 , Gründerszene
  6. Social Media Week 2012: the best events ( memento of the original from August 18, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Meedia , February 13, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. ^ A b Social Media Week in Berlin , Gründerszene, September 10, 2012
  8. Internet conference in Berlin Social Media Week expects 5000 visitors , Der Tagesspiegel
  9. Changing values, social media and politics at #smwhh 2012
  10. Researcher: Facebook and Co. lead to changing values , Die Zeit , February 15, 2012
  11. Interactive Social Media Week projection at Gänsemarkt
  12. a b Internet meeting in Berlin: Social Media Week: All good things come in threes Der Tagesspiegel
  13. a b The Social Media Week Hamburg 2013 at NDR
  14. Where tomorrow is already being discussed today ( memento of the original from June 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  15. ^ The Social Media Conference for All Deutsche Welle, accessed on February 17, 2014
  16. Upwardly Mobile: Hamburg To Host Social Media Week in February. Retrieved May 29, 2019 .
  17. Announcing Social Media Week's Global Theme for 2016: "The Invisible Hand: Hidden Forces of Technology". October 14, 2015, accessed May 29, 2019 (American English).
  18. Global Theme. Retrieved May 29, 2019 (American English).
  19. Announcing Our 2018 Global Theme: "Closer". August 23, 2017. Retrieved May 29, 2019 (American English).
  20. Announcing Social Media Week's 2019 Global Theme: STORIES. September 5, 2018. Retrieved May 29, 2019 (American English).