Sofia Portanet

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Sofia Portanet at SXSW 2019

Sofia Portanet (born November 9, 1989 in Kiel ) is a German singer and songwriter . She sings in German, English and French. Her pop songs mix new wave , gothic and classical poetry .


Portanet, daughter of a German and a Spaniard, grew up in Paris . There she attended a German school. She made her first musical experiences in the children's choir of the Paris National Opera . In 2010 she moved to Berlin to develop her own music.

As of 2018, Sofia Portanet released four singles and performed at well-known festivals, including SXSW , Reeperbahn Festival and Eurosonic . The BBC called her “Germany's next international pop star”, the WDR named her “Newcomer 2019”, and Redbull included her in their list of “Best Newcomers 2019”.

Sofia Portanet's debut album Free Spirit was released in July 2020 .



  • 2020: Free spirit


  • Free mind
  • Brown rat
  • The child
  • Planet mars

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Julia Lorenz: Prima donna of the eateries . Der Spiegel , July 3, 2020
  2. Sky Nonhoff: Sofia Portanet - between pop past and retro-modern . MDR , July 12, 2020
  3. a b Niklas Münch: Traveling with shoulder pads . taz , July 3, 2020
  4. Louisa Zimmer: The Dreams of the Brown Rat . Der Tagesspiegel , July 14, 2020
  5. Sofia Portanet on