Vasily Pavlovich Solovyov-Sedoi

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Soviet special stamp for the 75th birthday of Solovyov-Sedoi (1982)

Vasily Pavlovich Solovyov-Sedoi ( Russian Василий Павлович Соловьёв-Седой ., Scientific transliteration Vasilij Pavlovič Solovyev-Sedoj ; born 12 jul. / 25. April  1907 greg. In Saint Petersburg , † 2. December 1979 ibid (Leningrad)) was a Soviet composer . His oeuvre includes both classical compositions and Estrada titles.


Solovyov-Sedoi was a student at the Leningrad Conservatory until 1936 and wrote many songs, some of which are considered Soviet classics. His best known piece is Moscow Nights (Podomoskownije wetschera) . In the course of his career, Solovyov-Sedoi received the Stalin Prize twice as well as the title of People's Artist of the USSR and in 1959 the Lenin Prize . In 1997 the asteroid (5078) Solovjev-Sedoj was named after him. His song W put from 1954 is still used today on military occasions.

The songs of Solovyov-Sedoi were sung by the leading artists of Soviet pop music Mark Bernes , Georg Ots , Edita Pjecha , Leonid Utjossow , Eduard Chil , Klawdija Schulschenko and many others.


  • MM Koslow et al: Velikaya Otetschestwennaja woina 1941–1945: enziklopedija . Sowetskaja enziklopedija, Moscow 1985, p. 672 (Russian)
  • Boris Piotrowski among others: Sankt-Peterburg, Petrograd, Leningrad: enziklopeditscheski sprawotschnik . Bolschaja rossijskaja enziklopedija, Moscow 1992. ISBN 5-85270-037-1 (Russian)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Lenin Prize Winners 1959 , In: Berliner Zeitung , April 23, 1959, p. 3
  2. Minor Planet Circ. 30096