Solar eclipse of September 1, 2016

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Solar eclipse of September 1, 2016
Type Ring-shaped
area Africa , Indian Ocean
Annular: Atlantic , Central Africa , Madagascar , India
Saros cycle 135 (39 of 71)
Gamma value −0.3330
Greatest eclipse
Duration 3 minutes 6 seconds
place Mozambique
location 10 ° 41 ′  S , 37 ° 46 ′  E Coordinates: 10 ° 41 ′  S , 37 ° 46 ′  E
time September 1, 2016 9:06:51 AM   UT
size 0.9736
World map of the solar eclipse of September 1, 2016

The annular solar eclipse of September 1, 2016 was mainly visible in central Africa . The eclipse began in the middle of the Atlantic , the path with ring-shaped visibility reached Gabon just 110 kilometers further south than the totality path of the 2013 eclipse . Then the central zone crossed the African continent in a south-southeast direction, in addition to Gabon the Republic of the Congo , the Democratic Republic of the Congo , the south of Tanzania , the north of Mozambique and the center of Madagascar . Before the eclipse ended in the Indian Ocean , their zone of circular visibility was still the island of Réunion .

As a partial eclipse , however, it could be observed from almost the entire African continent.

Weather outlook

Almost in the entire area of ​​the ring-shaped visibility there is a tropical climate , in Madagascar a subtropical climate , which makes ideal observation conditions not particularly likely. At the time of the eclipse, however, there is still the dry season, which improves the prospects, they should be best in the middle of the African continent.



  • Wolfgang Held: Solar and lunar eclipses and the most important astronomical constellations up to 2017. Verlag Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-7725-2231-9 .

Web links

Commons : Solar eclipse of September 1, 2016  - Collection of images, videos and audio files