Sophie Reinheimer

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Sophie Reinheimer (born July 20, 1874 in Brussels ; † October 9, 1935 in Hofheim am Taunus ) was a German writer for children and young people.

Live and act

Obituary, archived in the Ida-Seele-Archiv
Review of the Rösel books , archived in the Ida-Seele archive

She was the eldest of two children of the Brussels lace manufacturer Adolf Reinheimer and his wife Elise, nee. van der Heyden. In Leipzig, where the family moved in 1878, she attended the First Citizens ' School for Girls , followed by the Higher Daughter School . When she was twelve years old, the family moved to Frankfurt am Main . There she trained as a kindergarten teacher. She attended the kindergarten teachers 'and youth leaders' seminar of the local women's education association led by Ella Schwarz . After graduating, she taught at her training center and also gave private manual skills and occupation lessons for children. Reinheimer gave up teaching for health reasons and moved to Hofheim am Taunus. There she died at the age of 61.

Reinheimer wrote fairy tales, short stories and books for children, especially girls. She worked closely with Schneider Verlag . Her extremely successful "Rösel books" were also published there. Over 30 artists have illustrated their books, for example Else Wenz-Viëtor , Paul Helwig-Strehl , Grete Schmedes , Gerda Radtke and Eva-Maria Strauss .


Reinheime's literary legacy did not go uncritically. Irene Dyrenfurth is of the opinion that the writer had ruled the field for a while with a myriad of talkative and sweet fairy tales . Winfred Kaminski sums up that in Reinmeimer's stories the fantastic elements are only used to compensate and their child-friendly way of narrating, their use of fairytale-anthromomorphic motifs - in her case even dead objects appear animated - give the author tremendous success . And Manfred Berger writes: Sure, Sophie Reinheimer's books no longer speak to today's children. However, as a testimony to the development of the (small) children's book over almost three decades, they are always indispensable and testify to a piece of cultural and childhood history, albeit in a glorified way .

Works (selection)

  • Colorful flowers (1913)
  • Of Summer and Sun (1925)
  • In the wreath of flowers (1925)
  • My fairy tale world (1925)
  • Spring and Santa Claus (1926)
  • Rösel. A Happy Little Girl Tale (1930)
  • Klein-Rösel (1931)
  • Rösel, the big girl (1933)
  • Rösel comes to school (1953)
  • Rösel's happy time (1954)


  • Manfred Berger : Sophie Reinheimer, in: Kurt Franz u. a .: Children's and youth literature. A lexicon. 5th result. 1998, pp. 1-11
  • Irene Dyrenfurth : History of the German Youth Book, Freiburg 1967
  • Winfred Kaminski : Reinheimer. Sophie, in: Klaus Doderer (Hrsg.): Lexicon of children's and youth literature. Third volume: P – Z, Weinheim 1979; Pp. 154-155
  • Gina Weinkauff : Sophie Reinheimer's literary (small) children's worlds, Hofheim 1995

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dyhrenfurth 1967, p. 205
  2. Kaminski 1979, p. 154
  3. Berger 1998, p. 9