Ella Schwarz

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Ella Schwarz (approx. 1927), archived in the Ida-Seele archive

Melanie "Ella" Schwarz (born February 21, 1869 in Reichenbach im Vogtland ; † May 13, 1962 in Berlin ) was a German kindergarten teacher , headmistress and Froebel teacher .

Live and act

Advertisement of the Frankfurt seminar (approx. 1910), archived in the Ida-Seele archive
The seminar (approx. 1905), archived in the Ida-Seele archive
Announcement of the dissolution of the German Froebel Association (1939), archived in the Ida-Seele archive

After graduating from the Lyceum in Cüstrin in 1895, ten years later she completed the kindergarten teacher training in the city mentioned. From Easter 1896 to October 1897 she attended an advanced training course for kindergarten teachers (forerunner of youth leader training) at the Pestalozzi-Froebel-Haus in Berlin . Subsequently, in 1898, she took over the management of the kindergarten teachers' seminar of the women's education association in Frankfurt . Until 1932, Schwarz was responsible for the training facility that had existed since 1878 (which was named after Ella Schwarz in 1959). Her student, the children's and youth writer Sophie Reinheimer , remembered her with the following words:

“I drank from her lips - I took a deep breath. Here was a person who was highly intelligent and yet healthy. "

In addition to her professional activity, Schwarz was also a member of the board of the German Froebel Association (after 1945 the Pestalozzi-Froebel Association). From 1931 she was honorary chairman of the interest group. On December 1, 1939, the association was dissolved. Schwarz, who was appointed liquidator , stated :

“Because the time is now ripe for Friedrich Froebel's work, public forces have to awaken an echo in the empire and in the world. The large German educator community, the National Socialist Teachers' Association, is ready to take on our tasks in the sense of the Führer and Froebel. That can only be a blessing for solving these tasks. "

During the Nazi dictatorship she was "Gaugruppen -leiterin Hessen-Nassau". She was also responsible for the specialist magazine Kindergarten for a number of years , was involved in the board of the “Professional Organization of General German Kindergarten Teachers Association” founded in 1912 and taught “Childcare” at the Frankfurt “Women's seminar for social professional work”, which was run by Rosa Kempf and later by Berta Sachs was directed. Until the early 1950s, Schwarz was active as a writer, especially for the kindergarten and Friedrich Froebel .

In the mid-1930s, Ella Schwarz moved to Berlin-Lankwitz , where she lived with her sister.


  • Silver plate of the city of Frankfurt
  • The seminar she directed was renamed Ella-Schwarz-Schule in 1959 (nominally dissolved in 1971 and attached to the Hedwig-Heyl-Schule , since December 1999 Berta Jourdan Schule )

Works (selection)

  • The upbringing of young children. In: Central Institute for Education and Teaching [Berlin] (Hrsg.): Kleinkinderfürsorge. Introduction to their nature and tasks. B. J. Teubner, Leipzig 1917, OCLC 630644798 .
  • Gaugruppentagung Hessen-Nassau in Frankfurt a. M. In: Kindergarten. Organ of the Reichsfachschaft 7, social pedagogical professions in the NS teacher association ; Journal for the educational work of the kindergarten teacher and youth leader. Vol. 76, 1935, pp. 137-138, urn : nbn: de: 0111-bbf-spo-16196870 .
  • Why dissolution of the German Froebel Association? In: Kindergarten. Vol. 80, 1938, pp. 204-206, urn : nbn: de: 0111-bbf-spo-16197569 .
  • 100 years of kindergarten. In: Fritz Wächtler (Ed.): Festschrift for the centenary of the German kindergarten. Deutscher Volksverlag, Munich 1940, DNB 573330840 .
  • The realization of Froebel's educational ideas in Frankfurt am Main. In: Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Verband (Ed.): Festschrift for the Fröbel commemorative year 1952 (= sheets of the Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Verband. Vol. 3, 1952, No. 3/4) Quelle & Meyer, Heidelberg 1952, DNB 458760579 .


  • Manfred Berger : Sophie Reinheimer. In: A. C. Baumgärtner, H. Pleticha: (Ed.): Children's and youth literature. A lexicon. 5. Erg.-Lfg., Corian-Verlag Wimmer, Meitingen 1998, DNB 94572912X (loose-leaf edition).
  • Reinhard Frost / Sabine Hock (eds.): Frankfurter Biographie. Personal history lexicon. Second volume: MZ. Frankfurt 1996, p. 356.
  • Hildegard von Gierke : From the history of the Pestalozzi Froebel House. Berlin 1960 (unpublished manuscript).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Gierke 1960.
  2. Quotation from Berger 1998, p. 2.
  3. Schwarz 1938, p. 206.
  4. Schwarz 1935, p. 137.
  5. a b Frost / Hock 1996 p. 356.