Speer Goes to Hollywood

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German title Speer Goes to Hollywood
Original title Speer Goes to Hollywood
Country of production Israel
original language English , French , German
Publishing year 2020
length 97 minutes
Director Vanessa Lapa
production Vanessa Lapa, Tomer Eliav
music Haim Frank Ilfman
cut Joëlle Alexis

Speer Goes to Hollywood is an Israeli documentary film under the direction of Vanessa Lapa . The film will celebrate its world premiere at the Berlinale in February 2020 and screened there in the Berlinale Special Gala section .


Albert Speer was one of Adolf Hitler's closest confidants . As general building inspector he was to shape the world capital Germania and as Reich Ministry for Armaments and Ammunition he was responsible for twelve million forced laborers . Nevertheless, he is still considered a good Nazi today . Speer himself designed and successfully propagated this myth. He was one of the highest-ranking National Socialists who escaped the death penalty at the Nuremberg trials .

Speer Goes to Hollywood brings the audience to 1971: Paramount Pictures is planning to film Speer's bestseller Memories , and Speer wants to work on the script himself. Vanessa Lapa's film was based on sound recordings of the months-long conversations that screenwriter Andrew Birkin had with Speer at the time. The audience witnesses Speer's unscrupulous attempt to use the planned film to wash away its past. While Birkin works with Speer and adapts the script according to his wishes, Carol Reed , who is to take over the direction of the film, sees through Speer's historical revisionist tactics and considers the film in this form to be irresponsible. Ultimately, the production company decides against the project and the film is never produced. Lapa's film also shows rare archive footage of Speer before World War II , during wartime and later as more or less withdrawn retirees in the country.


The Israeli director Vanessa Lapa directed, the concept comes from Vanessa Lapa and Joëlle Alexis, the music from Haim Frank Ilfman . Joëlle Alexis was responsible for the film editing . Producers were Vanessa Lapa and Tomer Eliav, associate producer Sylvain Goldberg , executive producers Stanley Cohen, Manu Schöngut, Cathy Schöngut, Johnny Kneller, Philippe Laub, Yossi Landesman and Guido Hettinger, co-producers Björn Koll and Felix Breisach. The independent Israeli production company Realworks, which specializes in documentaries and was founded by Vanessa Lapa in 2006, produced the film.

The German actor Anno Koehler speaks the English text by Albert Speer.

The film will celebrate its world premiere at the Berlinale in February 2020 and will run in the Berlinale Special Gala section .


At the Berlinale 2020 the film was nominated for the Berlinale Documentary Award.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Speer Goes to Hollywood. Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  2. ^ "Speer goes to Hollywood", world premiere at the Berlinale 2020. Accessed on February 16, 2020 (American English).
  3. Berlinale Documentary Film Prize - donated by the rbb. In: berlinale.de. February 4, 2020, accessed February 16, 2020 .