Sport current (GDR)

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World champion and runner-up in figure skating Linda Fratianne (USA / left) and Anett Pötzsch (GDR / right) give an interview to Heinz-Florian Oertel from GDR television (1980)

Sport aktuell was a sports program on GDR television . The program was broadcast weekly in the first program from 1965 until GDR television was closed at the end of 1991 and was one of the best-known standard programs on GDR television.

FF included ; No. 11; Program week from March 10th to 16th, 1986; Program preview for Saturday, March 15, 1986; 1. program; P. 28


The studio broadcast was included in the program in January 1965 and was the successor to previously broadcast sports programs such as “Sportkaleidoskop” (1956/57), “Sport vom Wochenende” (1961/62), “Sport-Mix” and “Sport-Meridiane” (both from 1961). These were no longer considered sufficient in terms of content and quality by those responsible and were therefore discontinued a little later. "Sport aktuell" was considered the flagship of the sports coverage of GDR television and focused on current reports on the most important sports results of the day (including GDR football league , GDR tour ). In the early years there were several weekly editions of the series, which were supplemented on certain occasions by only short-term formats with different content. Thematically, the program mainly covered the area of ​​national and international competitive sport, while the previously dominant popular sport and the advisory part took a back seat.

Time slot

At the beginning of 1965, “Sport aktuell” was initially broadcast on Sundays in the early evening program and lasted around 75 minutes. There was also a late edition on Saturday and Sunday, the transmission time of which varied. In addition, there were occasional broadcasts within the week. From January 1966 onwards, a 70-minute "Sport aktuell" program was also broadcast on late Saturday afternoon. With the introduction of the second GDR television program, the late editions were gradually discontinued from 1968 onwards.

With the restructuring of GDR television as part of a program reform in 1972, “Sport aktuell” concentrated increasingly only on weekend programs from January 1973, while live broadcasts were shown during the week under the titles “Halftime” and “Sport am Abend”. From March 1990, the program was increasingly broadcast again within the week or in the 2nd program of GDR television. As the only regular sports program on GDR television, “Sport aktuell” remained in the program until it was closed at the end of 1991.


The German Broadcasting Archive keeps these and other film productions of GDR television in archives today, which can also be used by private users.


The show did not have a permanent presenter, but was alternately moderated by various sports journalists from the studio. In addition, there were external reporters and reporters from individual sporting events. Well-known moderators of "Sport aktuell" were:

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b FF here ; No. 11; Program week from March 10th to 16th, 1986; Program preview for Saturday, March 15, 1986; 1. program; 5.40 p.m.; Sport current; GDR football league ; 17th matchday; It types » outsider front runner « reporter Hans-Joachim Wolle :… ; DNB 010364692 ; ISSN  0532-9140 ; OCLC 312029300 ; P. 28.
  2. ^ A b Lutz Jödicke: From the radio archive  : Nordhausen and the GDR tour . In: Stadtarchiv Nordhausen (Ed.): Nordhäuser News: Südharzer Heimatblätter . Volume 27, No. 2. Iffland, Nordhausen 2018, 1030841349 in the GVK - Common Union Catalog , pp. 20-21.
  3. FF here; No. 11; Program week from March 10th to 16th, 1986; Program preview for Sunday March 16, 1986; 1. program; 5.10 p.m.; Sport current; DNB 010364692 ; ISSN  0532-9140 ; OCLC 312029300 ; P. 30.
  4. FF here; No. 11; Program week from March 10th to 16th, 1986; Program preview for Wednesday March 12, 1986; 1. program; 4:55 p.m.; Half time; Intermezzo between two sports Sundays, football, GDR – Netherlands international match , from Leipzig ; DNB 010364692 ; ISSN  0532-9140 ; OCLC 312029300 ; P. 22.
  5. FF here; No. 11; Program week from March 10th to 16th, 1986; Program preview for Wednesday March 12, 1986; 1. program; 9.30 p.m.; Sports in the evening; Football, international match between the GDR and the Netherlands , summary report ; DNB 010364692 ; ISSN  0532-9140 ; OCLC 312029300 ; P. 22.