Spurius Postumius Albinus (Consul 148 BC)

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Spurius Posthumius Albinus was a Roman politician in the 2nd century BC.


Spurius Postumius Albinus was a Roman patrician whose lineage, the gens Postumia , had presided over several times as consuls of the republic since the beginning of the Roman republic in the 6th century, although the family neither belonged to the 5 gentes maiores , nor to the Albanian or tribunician families (These are gentes, after which individual tribes , e.g. Tribus Sergia, are named).

Spurius Postumius Albinus was born in the 2nd century BC. Born in BC. He was the son and grandson of the same name bearer (Sp.f. Sp.n.). He was praetor, probably in 151 BC. And was elected consul of the republic for the year 148. His colleague in office was Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus . Italy was assigned to him as a province. After the consulate, he completed the via Postumia, named after him, from Genoa across northern Italy to Cremona and from there on to Aquileja .

Cicero praises him as a speaker. Furthermore, according to Cicero, he is said to have established the province of Achaia with Lucius Mummius , the conqueror of Corinth, in 146 ; so in a letter to Atticus . Atticus corrects this opinion and claims that this is not Spurius, but his relative Aulus Postumius Albinus , the consul of 151 BC. BC, been. Possibly both are right, because it cannot be ruled out that both belonged to the multi-headed delegation, as only 2 of the members of the delegation by name (including Aulus Postumius Albinus) are certain.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paulys Realenzyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswwissenschaften, Article Postumius, columns 891/2.
  2. ^ Ingemar König : The Roman State I, Consular List, page 224, Reclam 1992.
  3. Paulys Realenzyclopädie der Classischen Antiquities, Article Postumius, No. 47.
  4. ^ Cicero: Brutus, 94.
  5. ^ Cicero: ad Atticum, XIII, 151.