St. Cäcilia (Nothberg)

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Parish Church of St. Cecilia

The Catholic branch church St. Cäcila is a listed church building in Nothberg , a district of Eschweiler in the city ​​region of Aachen ( North Rhine-Westphalia ). It is a branch church of the Catholic parish "Heilig Geist", which was formed in 2010 from five former parishes in the southern urban area of ​​Eschweiler.


The current neo-Gothic brick building was erected between 1905 and 1907 as a replacement for the former Nothberg church, which was no longer usable since 1906 due to mountain damage and was only demolished in 1970 .

Image of grace and pilgrimage

The altar of grace from the time around 1500, a late-Gothic shrine with wing paintings, comes from the old parish church . This was renewed after the Second World War. In the shrine there is a vespers picture made of linden wood from the second half of the 14th century, the frame of which has been renewed. This miraculous image is a 1.20 m high Pietà made of limewood, a representation of the Blessed Virgin Mary with her dead son on her lap. A small late Gothic repetition of the Vespers image can be seen between the figures of John and Mary . Four representations of Mary can be seen on the wings of the altar.

For the first time in 1382 a "Not-Gottes-Altar" and a miraculous image of the Sorrowful Mother are mentioned in a document, which presumably gave the place its name. Votive tablets in the chancel indicate the long-standing pilgrimage to this miraculous image, which still exists today. The miraculous image was transferred to the new church in a solemn procession on December 22nd, 1907.


Coordinates: 50 ° 48 ′ 37.8 "  N , 6 ° 17 ′ 33.7"  E

Individual evidence

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