St. Isidore Island

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St. Isidore Island
Waters Matha Street
Archipelago Biscoe Islands ( West Antarctica )
Geographical location 66 ° 26 '18 "  S , 67 ° 5' 41"  W Coordinates: 66 ° 26 '18 "  S , 67 ° 5' 41"  W
St. Isidore Island (Antarctic Peninsula)
St. Isidore Island
length 1.65 km
width 890 m
surface 60.3 ha

St. Isidore Iceland ( English , Bulgarian . Остров Св Исидор ostrow Sw [eti] Isidore ) is an icy, km in southwest-northeast orientation 1.65 long, 890 m wide and 60.3  hectares large island in the archipelago of Biscoe Islands west of the Antarctic Peninsula . It belongs to the Barcroft Islands and is located 2.4 km northeast of Bedford Island , 330 m east-northeast of Chakarov Island , 1.5 km southeast of St. Brigid Island and 1.9 km south of Irving Island .

The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named it in 2020 after Saint Isidore of Seville (≈560–636).

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