State insurance of the GDR

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The motto "Provision - insure - be secured" and the emblem of the state insurance of the GDR on a S-Bahn bridge in Berlin, 1991

The State Insurance of the GDR was a state insurance company in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) based in Berlin and the only insurer in the GDR for private customers.



From 1945 the continuation of the work for the insurance companies operating in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany was prohibited by the order No. 01 of the Soviet military administration in Germany (SMAD). State insurance companies took their place. As a result, the private insurance companies moved their headquarters to the western occupation zones, where they could continue their work. In 1945, public state insurance institutions were set up in the SBZ in the states of Saxony and Thuringia as well as in the provinces of Brandenburg , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt .

From these five state insurance institutions, the "Deutsche Versicherungs-Anstalt" (DVA) was founded in 1952. Responsibility for the social security of farmers, craftsmen, self-employed, entrepreneurs and freelancers was also transferred to the DVA in 1956. In 1969 the DVA and the Vereinigte Großberliner Versicherungsanstalt, which acted as the state insurer for East Berlin , merged to form the “State Insurance of the GDR” (SV).

With the peaceful revolution , the SV came to an end when the "State Insurance of the GDR in Liquidation" was founded in 1990. The newly formed "Deutsche Versicherungs-AG" and the "Deutsche Lebensversicherungs-AG" merged in 1998 into Allianz-Versicherungs AG in Munich. The dissolution of “SV in Liquidation” on December 31, 2007 marked the final end of the GDR State Insurance.

The SV emblem consisted of a stylized family of three under a protective roof made up of the letter “V” and its reflection.


The State Insurance of the GDR was responsible for insurance related to buildings such as household contents insurance , for the protection of private liability risks , for life insurance and accident insurance as well as for motor vehicle liability and comprehensive insurance . In addition, she was responsible for social security, including health insurance, for self-employed entrepreneurs , freelance workers with the exception of medical professions, and members of agricultural production cooperatives (LPG) and production cooperatives of the craft (PGH). It was thus responsible for around ten percent of the GDR population in the area of ​​social insurance, while health and pension insurance for workers and employees was organized in the form of the social insurance of the Free German Trade Union Federation. Other areas of responsibility of the State Insurance of the GDR included supplementary pension insurance and the regulation of claims for damages in the state health system .


Advertisement for the comprehensive insurance of the GDR State Insurance on a residential building in Berlin, 1991

After the reunification of Germany in 1990, the rights and obligations of the State Insurance of the GDR were transferred to a legal institution under public law called "State Insurance of the GDR in Liquidation" (SinA), which was subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Finance . The private customer business was privatized in the form of Deutsche Versicherungs-AG and Deutsche Lebensversicherungs-AG, both of which were taken over by Allianz SE . For Allianz, which thus became the market leader in the eastern German states, after the Oder flood in 1997 and the Elbe flood in 2002 , this also meant exceptionally high financial burdens, since the insurance contracts concluded in GDR times also insured flood damage to buildings.

The building in which the State Insurance of the GDR had its headquarters functions as the Berlin state representative of the Free State of Saxony at the federal level. The SinA was dissolved with the "Law on the Dissolution of the State Insurance of the German Democratic Republic in Liquidation" from August 29, 2005 to December 31, 2007. Since January 1, 2008, the financing and consulting company mbH of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) has been responsible for the settlement of claims that have not yet been settled , whereby KfW, as the legal successor of SinA, has assumed its rights and obligations. It is estimated that the last outstanding cases, which numbered around 2000 in 2008, will not be settled until after 2050. This primarily concerns medical liability claims for birth defects in people who were born in the GDR in the first half of 1990.


  • Barbara Eggenkämper, Gerd Modert, Stefan Pretzlik: The State Insurance of the GDR: From the foundation to the integration into Allianz . CH Beck, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-406-60375-4 .

Web links

Commons : State Insurance of the GDR  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ FDGB-Lexikon (working version): Social Insurance (SV) ; Edited by Dieter Dowe, Karlheinz Kuba and Manfred Wilke and edited by Michael Kubina, Research Association SED State at the Free University of Berlin, Berlin 2005 (accessed on December 2, 2008)
  2. ^ Law on the establishment of the "State Insurance of the GDR in Liquidation" of August 31, 1990, amended by the law of July 24, 1992 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1389 ), Art. 4
  3. ^ Saxon state representation at the federal government - building
  4. SVDDRAuflG
  5. KfW Bankengruppe - Business management by FuB. Archived from the original on October 3, 2006 ; Retrieved December 4, 2008 .
  6. ↑ In 2008 KfW is to take over the tasks of GDR insurance in liquidation. hib notification (in the Bundestag today) 133/2005 of May 11, 2005