City Church (Grötzingen)

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City church Grötzingen, view from the south

The Protestant city church is a listed church building in Grötzingen , a district of Karlsruhe ( Baden-Württemberg ). It belongs to the Evangelical Church Community of Karlsruhe-Grötzingen in the Evangelical Church District of Karlsruhe and Durlach.

History and architecture

A church was mentioned in a document in 1255, this choir tower church has been changed several times over the centuries. In this deed of donation, Junta, the widow of a knight from Altenkirchen, bequeathed all her possessions, with the exception of a court near the church, to the Lichtental monastery . In 1556 the church became Protestant immediately after the Peace of Augsburg . The walls of the ship are divided by ogival windows . After the destruction in the Thirty Years War , a coffered ceiling was drawn into the 30 meter long and 40 meter wide ship. The bands of the roof structure rest on eight oak columns, the column on the west side bears the inscription Friedrich Mattern, Zimmermeister, 1667 . The oldest part still preserved from the former choir tower church is the triumphal arch, which separates the nave from the choir. The choir in the early Gothic style has an ornate vault , the keystones of which bear a cross with a reference to the former patronage and a coat of arms of Margrave Bernhard von Baden. The choir windows are adorned with artistic tracery, the coat of arms suggests that it was built around 1420. The pictures of the choir windows were created in 1892 and show Jesus and Thomas with the other disciples , The Last Judgment , Resurrection and Ascension . During a renovation in 1976, frescoes from 1425 were uncovered on the triumphal arch , they show the parable of the ten virgins.


The 48 meter high tower rises above the cross vault , it has three floors, the bell chamber is octagonal. The roof is rotated up to 22 degrees. The forecast for annoyed the hell down on the piety of the people, and so he went in November amid lightning and thunder to the church to overturn. However, he did not succeed in this project, he only managed to turn the tower. The tower was not repaired, but showed the impotence of the devil. There is disagreement about reality, the rotation can be intentional, but it can also be a coincidence. Perhaps the construction timber was not dry enough and it twisted over time as a result of storms and winds. The builder may have made the rotation on purpose. Meanwhile the tower with its rotation has become a landmark of the place. The church is accessed through a portal via the vestibule in the tower; it was built in 1497 according to a preserved date.


  • There is a stone water basin in the entrance hall, a reminder that the church was Catholic before the Reformation.
  • The altar is made of red sandstone.
  • The carved crucifix on the altar was made around 1500 by a picture carver from the Ulm School , his name has not been passed down.
  • At the church there are some gravestones, they remind of the cemetery which was closed in 1924.


The belfry was renovated in 2005 and inaugurated on Easter vigil.

  • The largest and oldest bell was cast in 1621, it weighs 1,350 kg and has a diameter of 1,421 meters, the strike tone is d'-8. The inscription reads Als min Gelud sol has been heard . This bell serves as a prayer and death bell.
  • The wedding bell with a weight of 1017 kg and a diameter of 1.21 meters was rung in 1952. It has the chime f and bears the inscription God is faithful, who calls you
  • The christening bell with a weight of 496 kg was also added in 1952, it has the strike tone as and rings together with the wedding bell about 30 minutes before the wedding in a minor third. This bell is decorated with an angel and sounds at the services of the Lord's Prayer
  • During the First and Second World Wars, bells had to be handed in to be melted down; in 1990 they were replaced by a so-called home bell. This weighs 408 kg and has a diameter of 86 cm. The relief on it shows a stylized view of the place. The chime is at h-5, the inscription reads Let me sing the earth homeland price to you until you are allowed to penetrate to the upper homeland .


The organ was built in 1974 by the organ building company Peter Vier from Friesenheim. Both manuals are arranged in such a way that the corresponding registers complement each other. The Holzgedackt stands next to the open principal.


I. Manual
Bourdon 16 ′
Pointed 8th'
Principal 8th'
Reed flute 4 ′
octave 4 ′
Cornett V
octave 2 ′
Trumpet 8th'
Mixture IV 1 13
II. Manual

Salicional 8th'
Dumped 8th'
Principal 4 ′
Pointed flute 4 ′
Flagolet 2 ′
Fifth II 2 23
Zimbel IV 1'
Third II 1 35
oboe 4 ′
Pommer 8th'
Sub bass 16 ′
trombone 8th' connectable
Bombard 16 ′ connectable
Back set 4 ′
Octave bass 8th'
Clarion 4 ′


During the renovation work in 2009, the outer facade was renewed, in the course of which a tombstone for the chamber councilor and scribes for the church councilor Johann Georg Grundler was discovered at a height of about 14 meters. Such disused grave slabs were used in the 19th century to offer protection from rain. To reduce weight, they were split and chiseled into shape at the corners. The weathercock got a new coating of gold leaf in 2010, it was stolen and replaced by a new one in June. In 2011 a community worker found the old weathercock in a covered hole in the ground, which is now on display in the Pfinzgau Museum.


  • Wilhelm Mössinger: The Grötzinger Church 1255 - 1955. For the 700th anniversary . Ed. from the Evangelical Parish Office Grötzingen, Grötzingen 1955 ( full text as PDF )

Web links

Commons : Evangelische Kirche Grötzingen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Monument protection
  2. Introduction
  3. ^ Church district
  4. Certificate
  5. Reformation
  6. Church
  7. choir
  8. Tower
  9. Gravestones
  10. Bell
  11. Weathercock

Coordinates: 49 ° 0 ′ 11.7 ″  N , 8 ° 29 ′ 54 ″  E