List of municipalities in the Wolfsberg urban region

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The Wolfsberg urban region is an Austrian agglomeration in Carinthia . The region consists of the core zone (code: SR201) and the outer zone (code: SR202) .

History of the classification

The delimitation of the urban regions (urban centers) was carried out by Statistics Austria for 1971 to 2001 every 10 years. For the reference date October 31, 2013, delimitation was carried out for the first time according to the urban-rural typology developed by Statistics Austria for statistical purposes , which integrates the delimitation of the city regions.

List of municipalities according to the 2001 delimitation

The population figures in the lists are from January 1, 2020.

Wolfsberg core zone

local community Slovenian location Ew km² Ew / km² Judicial district region Type
AUT Wolfsberg (Kaernten) COA.svg
Volšperk Wolfsberg in the district WO.png 25,025 278.63 90 Wolfsberg urban
Frantschach-Sankt Gertraud
Coat of arms at frantschach-st.-gertraud.png
Frantschach-Sankt Gertraud in the district WO.png 2,556 100.94 25th Wolfsberg market

Wolfsberg outer zone

local community Slovenian location Ew km² Ew / km² Judicial district region Type
AUT Preitenegg COA.jpg
Preitenegg in the district WO.png 930 68.36 14th Wolfsberg local community
Saint Andrew
Coat of arms of St. Andrä (at) .svg
Sankt Andrä in the district WO.png 9,873 113.59 87 Wolfsberg urban

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Classifications according to urban and rural areas . STATISTICS AUSTRIA. Retrieved July 18, 2019.