City relay (Hanover)

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The city ​​relay in Hanover is the oldest annual joint sporting event of the Hanoverian sports clubs and schools with up to 5,000 participants in the past. In addition to schoolchildren, it is noticed by athletes , soccer players , table tennis and volleyball players of all ages .


Following the example of the "30 km Berlin - Potsdam relay ", only the Hanoverian rugby clubs ran a route from Hildesheim to Hanover for the first time in 1909 . The winner was the "SV Elite of 1907" (see the Lindener Sportclub Elite from 1921 ).

During the First World War , the “ Bismarck memorial relay” was carried out over 5 × 800 meters.

From 1927 onwards, the race was known as “Across Hanover” and covered 9.6 kilometers, followed in the years from 1929 to 1935 as a “large relay” over 11.3 kilometers within the Eilenriede , during the Nazi era from 1933 to 1944 also known as the so-called "Schlageter-Staffel". After the completion of the Maschsee , the sporting event was held there for the first time in 1936 with 2,600 starters and 3 circumnavigations of the lake. The Hannover 96 club was chosen as the winner . In the middle of World War II , a women's relay was run for the first time in 1941 , followed by school teams and youth relay.

In 1945 the city relay was not held for the first time, and in the following years until 1948 again in the Eilenriede - because of the damage caused by aerial bombs during the air raids on Hanover .

Since 1971 there has only been one lap around the Maschsee. Since then, the Maschsee run has only been canceled in 1992, as the clubs expressed their protest against the cuts in the city's sports budget by not participating . Due to the relay races, which have failed twice in history, the 97th Maschsee race took place in 2011. But that year "only" about 3000 participants of all ages registered, in 2012, when the children were racing in the Erika Fisch Stadium , only 2.250. However, the deputy head of the sports and event management department, Ralf Sonnenberg , attributed the decline to timing reasons, such as Easter , which was then just around the corner .

So-called “pendulum relays” for children have recently taken place in the AWD-Arena .


The most successful club so far in the main runs was the Turn-Klubb (TK), followed by Hannover 96 . More recently, the Südstadt sports club Eintracht from 1898 won several times.


  • Karl-Heinz Grotjahn MA: Maschsee run . In: Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (eds.) U. a .: City Lexicon Hanover . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-89993-662-9 , p. 432.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Karl-Heinz Grotjahn MA: Maschseelauf (see literature)
  2. ^ A b Carsten Schmidt, Matthias Abromeit: The city relay lacks the runners . On: on April 14, 2012
  3. Carsten Schmidt: 98th Stadtstaffel / In Hanover it runs in the HAZ from April 15, 2012, accessed on February 28, 2013
  4. Noun nominandum : Club competition / Südstädter runners dominate in Stadtstaffel , online in the HAZ from April 20, 2009, accessed on February 28, 2013