Star Tresh - The De-Generation

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Television series
Original title Star Tresh - The De-Generation
Country of production Germany
original language German
Year (s) 1997-1999
length 7 minutes
Episodes 13
genre Science fiction parody
idea Kai Borchardt ,
Stefan Kantor ,
Sigrid Kantor ,
Wolfgang Siebers
First broadcast 4th October 1999
Stefan Bornemann
Captain Jean-Luc Godard
Kai Borchardt
Sir Winston-T, 1st Officer
Stefan Kantor
Dr. Pelle Eriksson, ship's doctor
Dolphins Dordevic
Ariane Clouseau, intelligence officer
Lars Barthelmes
Takahashi Hakamara, helmsman
Thorsten Meyer
Hagen O'Battery, engineering officer
Herbert Heise

Star Tresh - The De-Generation is a parodic German science fiction - television series , in which Wolfgang Siebers Director led.


The incompetent, self- loving and drunkenness-prone Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Godard is given command of the rundown spaceship Enterprise and the task of going where others have already been to see if it is still the case .

The competent, but know-it-all first officer Sir Winston-T (whose first name is Sir ) will assist Godard for this mission ; the tricorder-addicted ship's doctor Dr. Pelle Eriksson , whose diagnoses and therapies are limited to medical platitudes ; communications officer Ariane Clouseau , who is compulsively brewing coffee ; the speed- obsessed helmsman Takahashi Hakamara and the permanently resigning marine engineer Hagen O'Battery .

When leaving the space dock, Captain Godard immediately orders a start at Warp 9 speed , which leads to the Enterprise creating a rift in the space-time continuum due to the excessive acceleration and, it seems, to be thrown to the opposite end of the galaxy . The arduous return journey with its numerous obstacles forms the storyline of the series. Among other things, the occupying it with is Darth Vader , a amüsierwilligen Stephen Hawking - clone and a rebellious Coke machine faced.


The series, which in addition to Star Trek occasionally parodies 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars , was mainly filmed in the building of the Open Canal in Kassel ; the control room of the station set without any major changes in the navigating bridge of the spacecraft is, the auricle with three low-placed round skylights the transporter space and the corridors represented the course of the Enterprise . In addition, the Fuldaaue represents a hostile planet, and a Kassel bar represents the ship's bar .

The low film budget is reflected not only in the choice of locations , but also in the props used : the ship's doctor's tricoder is the center console of a Volvo and the control panel of the transporter is a synthesizer . For the exterior shots of the Enterprise in space, commercially available plastic models were used, some of which make their way in front of planets made of painted greaseproof paper .

Considerable misjudgments regarding the effort required to complete a thirteen-part series meant that the shooting, initially estimated to be a few days, dragged on over a much longer period of time: after eight weeks, eighty percent of the scenes were shot, but the completion of the remaining scenes lasted nearly two years.

Television and video

The series was first broadcast on weekdays, beginning on October 4, 1999, on the Kassel Open Channel . In the following year, the video label Astro Film , which had supported the shooting with technical equipment, released the entire series on VHS . The DVD was released in 2001 , for which some of the participants recorded an audio commentary with background information about the production.

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