Staurois latopalmatus

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Staurois latopalmatus
without rank: Amphibians (Lissamphibia)
Order : Frog (anura)
Subordination : Neobatrachia
Family : Real frogs (Ranidae)
Genre : Winker frogs ( staurois )
Type : Staurois latopalmatus
Scientific name
Staurois latopalmatus
( Boulenger , 1887)

Staurois latopalmatus is a species from the genus of winker frogs ( Staurois ) in the family of real frogs (Ranidae). In English he is called Rock Skipper because he spends most of the time on rocks.


Staurois latopalmatus has very strong hind legs that allow it to jump from stone to stone. Males are up to 50 mm long, females up to 70 mm. Staurois latopalmatus differs from the other species of the genus by the pronounced webbed fingers that reach down to the finger discs and by the very short, pug- like snout.

Boulenger described Staurois latopalmatus in the first description as follows:

"Snout very short, broadly rounded, at the end as if cut off at an angle. Almost vertical, inwardly curved (concave) reins (lores, in amphibians the area between the nostril and the eye). Eyes large, interorbital distance as wide as the upper eyelid. Tympanum (membrane of the hearing organ) very small and indistinct. The fingers are short and end in very large finger discs whose diameter is three quarters of the diameter of the eye. On the two outer fingers, the webbing almost reaches the fingertip, and between the second and third fingers it is short. Webbed toes are very broad, they reach halfway up the toe discs. Toe discs about half the size of the finger discs. Subarticular tubercle oval, flat, no distinct metatarsal tubercle. Hind extremities very long and strong, the knee joint extends to the shoulder. The skin is fine black on the upper side and smooth on the lower side. Upper side blackish with pale brown markings on the back and whitish spots on the side. Extremities with light transverse ligaments. Back of the thighs speckled blackish and whitish, lower sides whitish. "

Spread and endangerment

The species is endemic to Borneo . There it is spread widely over Sarawak , Brunei , Sabah and Kalimantan , i.e. practically all over the island. Specimens have so far been found at sea ​​levels between 150 and 1000 meters.

In some parts of the island the frog is very common. The species is listed as not endangered (Least Concern, LC) on the Red List . The greatest danger here, too, is the deforestation of the rainforest. However, the frog can also appear in areas that have already been destroyed near primary forests.


Staurois latopalmatus lives in primary , tropical lowland rainforests . You can usually find him sitting on vertical rock walls. Preferably along clear, fast flowing, rocky streams or creeks.


At night the males call with a high trill. The reproductive behavior of this species is not known, and tadpoles have not yet been found.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Staurois latopalmatus on the page "Frogs of Borneo"
  2. Masafumi Matsui, Maryati Mohamed, Tomohiko Shimada, Ahmad Sudin: Resurrection of Staurois parvus from S. tuberilinguis from Borneo (Amphibia, Ranidae). In: Zoological Science 24, 2007, p 104. ( Online )
  3. ^ GA Boulenger: On new reptiles and batrachians from North Borneo. In: Annals and Magazine of Natural History. , 1887, Series 5, Vol. 20, pp. 95-97. ( Online )
  4. a b c Staurois latopalmatus in the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN 2013.2. Posted by: Robert Inger, Djoko Iskandar, Indraneil Das, Robert Stuebing, Maklarin Lakim, Paul Yambun, Mumpuni, 2004. Retrieved April 5, 2014.


  • Inger, RF, Stuebing: A Field Guide to the Frogs of Borneo. Borneo Natural History Publishers, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. RB 1997.
  • Malkmus, R., Manthey, U., Vogel, G., Hoffmann, P. and Kosuch: Amphibians and reptiles of Mount Kinabalu (North Borneo). ARG Gantner Verlag KG, Ruggell, Liechtenstein 2002.
  • Boulenger, George Albert: On new reptiles and batrachians from North Borneo . Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 5, 1887

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