Stefan Eisermann

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Stefan Eisermann (born April 17, 1943 in Rostock ; † October 12, 1998 in Potsdam ) was a visual artist , painter and member of the Potsdamer Kunstverein.


His father, Ludwig Eisermann (born 1910) was arrested as an opponent of the regime during the Second World War and immediately afterwards embarked on a political career as a cultural functionary in the Rostock district . His mother Gertrud was studying at the party college in Kleinmachnow . Because of the separation of the parents Eisermann lived with his one year older sister in the children's home. After compulsory schooling, he began an apprenticeship as a machine fitter in 1958 at VEB Fischkombinat Rostock, where he had been living with his mother again since 1952. In 1960, his mother married Johannes Warnke , who was more than 20 years his senior and was already a member of the People's Chamber and director of the Rostock port authority .

During his compulsory military service , Eisermann completed training as a tank driver. He then began working as a machine fitter in the Neptun shipyard in Rostock, and from 1965 as a fitter at VEB Progress. In 1964 he married Karin Breske and had a daughter with her. This marriage lasted until 1979. In his free time, he dealt with historical topics as well as photography and handicrafts.

At the suggestion of his sister, who worked as a costume and set designer at the Hans Otto Theater (HOT) in Potsdam , he began painting. In 1977 he got into a dispute with the management, which caused him to withdraw even more intensively into art. He made contact with Vera Schwelgin and Wolfgang Reinke as well as with Karlheinz Kuhn (1930–2001). The work in the VEB ended in 1979 with a termination agreement, whereupon Eisermann started as a caretaker at the Kunsthalle Rostock in the hope of being able to make better contacts with the artist , but had to give up again after six months, disappointed, as he did not have to adapt and Restriction was ready. He then found employment in the same function in a Rostock restaurant.

In 1982 Eisermann married a second time with whom he would have a daughter five years later. In the same year he also applied for membership to the Association of Visual Artists of the GDR in order to be allowed to work as a freelancer , which was rejected. As an autodidact, the reasons were of a formal nature, but artistic petitessen also made a difference.

In 1985 Eisermann moved to his sister in Potsdam and tried to get a job as a prop master at the HOT. The state security service from Rostock willingly gave the Potsdam office information about Eisermann: “Erfassg. since E. tries for years association member. (Image. Artist) to become, naive painter, professional. poor performance, 'pseudo-artist', criticism of real existing socialism. ”Three weeks later, the answer came from Potsdam:“ An application from a person Eisermann at the HOT has been received. This comes from Rostock, is politically negative. and friend of the Palfi (OPK ›Cabinet‹). It was from the MA recommended this not set "answer. IM Ernst on October 10, 1985 to:" The press me so, I think I can be a Preset. no longer prevent the Eisermann. [...] Prevent contract offer until June 30, 1986, extension via IM ›Ernst‹. "

With the fall of the Wall , Eisermann lost his job again, but for the first time he gained a reputation - also internationally. In 1990 he had a solo exhibition in a private gallery in Potsdam . From 1993 to 1995 he received an ABM position at the Brandenburg Association of Visual Artists as technical director of the gallery in the Staudenhof in Potsdam.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1979 Kunstkaten Ahrenshoop
  • 1980 Clubhouse for cable workers, Schwerin
  • 1983 District Hospital Waren / Müritz
  • 1986 Hans-Otto-Theater, Foyer, Potsdam
  • 1987 Café-gallery of the Neue Dresdener Galerie (with Harry Mohr )
  • 1990 Gallery Trapez, Potsdam (poster)
  • 1991 Bothe Gallery, Neuenrade
  • 1992 Culture Office Potsdam Gallery
  • 1992 trapeze (catalog)
  • 1992 Café of the Kunsthalle Rostock
  • 1994 “Stefan Eisermann. 20 years of painting and drawing ", Waschhaus, Potsdam (catalog)
  • 1997 “Stefan Eisermann. 20 years of painting and drawing ", Waschhaus, Potsdam (catalog)
  • 1998 "Hearts", wash house, Potsdam (poster)


Web links

  • Vita on Eisermann's homepage