Stefan Rohdewald

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Stefan Rohdewald (* 1972 in Zug ) is a Swiss historian .


From 1992 to 1998 he studied Eastern European history, Slavic literature, social and economic history ( University of Zurich ). From 1998 to 2001 he was a research assistant at the Chair for Eastern European History at the Historical Seminar in Zurich (several longer language, library and archive stays in Lviv , Saint Petersburg , Minsk , Sofia and Belgrade ). After the dissertation (1998–2004) "Vom Polacker Venice". Collective action of social groups in a city between Eastern and Central Europe (Middle Ages, Early Modern Era, 19th century to 1914) with Carsten Goehrke and Hans-Jörg Gilomen , Zurich ( summa cum laude ), he worked from 2002 to 2003 scholarship from the Max Planck society as a member of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for comparative European legal history of the Max Planck Institute for European legal history and the Goethe University . From 2003 He was a research assistant at the Chair for Modern and Modern History of Eastern Europe and its Cultures at the University of Passau until 2008. He was Academic Councilor in Passau from 2008 to 2012. After his habilitation in 2012 at the University of Passau, “Heavenly Serbia”, the “Bulgarian” and the “Macedonian God.” (Trans-) national religious memorial figures of the orthodox southern Slaves until 1944 he accepted the call to the JLU Giessen (Southeast European e story).

His main research interests are the history of communication in social spaces, the history of sport, technology and the history of science between East and West, transculturality, transdenominationalism and memory discourses.

Fonts (selection)

  • "From Polock Venice". Collective action of social groups in a city between Eastern and Central Europe. (Middle Ages, early modern times, 19th century to 1914) . Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-515-08696-X .
  • Gods of the nations. Religious souvenirs in Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia until 1944 . Cologne 2014, ISBN 3-412-22244-5 .
  • More than enemy or friend. Supraregional communication in (south) eastern Europe from the Ottomans to the Cold War . Berlin 2016, ISBN 3-428-15026-0 .
  • as editor with Stephan Conermann and Albrecht Fuess : Transottomanica - Eastern European-Ottoman-Persian mobility dynamics. Perspectives and state of research . Göttingen 2019, ISBN 3-8471-0886-7 .

Web links