Stefan Wirlandner

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Stefan Wirlandner , pseudonym Hans Müller (born December 11, 1905 in Vienna ; † January 4, 1981 ibid) was an Austrian social democrat and economist.

Stefan Wirlandner grew up in a working-class family. He started out as a hatter. He continued his education as an autodidact and was allowed to attend the workers' college as an activist of the socialist youth workers . From 1927 to 1934 Wirlandner worked as an economic expert in the Vienna Chamber of Labor . After the February uprising in 1934 , he was dismissed as a social democrat. Wirlandner was subsequently active as a member of the illegal Revolutionary Socialists conspiratorially. He was indicted in the socialist trial in 1936, but was acquitted. He studied from 1936 to 1938 at the University of World Trade in Vienna and finished his studies as an auditor . In 1938 after the annexation of Austria he emigrated to Great Britain . In 1940 he was interned in Canada . He then enlisted in the British Army . He subsequently designed radio programs for Austria together with Marie Jahoda . From 1943 he worked in Cairo and Istanbul under GER Gedye for the British War Intelligence Service Special Operations Executive .

From 1945 Wirlandner took on a leading role in Austrian economic policy. He was again active in the Chamber of Labor, negotiated the currency reform and is considered one of the fathers of the five price and wage agreements. He also found time to study Karl Marx and modern Cambridge economics.

The distinguished social partner rose in the AK from head of the economic policy department to deputy chamber office director, from 1960 he was a member of the board of directors of the Austrian National Bank , from 1961 to 1969 its deputy general director, from 1969 he was director of the investment credit bank.

Stefan Wirlandner left previously unpublished memoirs.


  • Peter Pirker : "Whirlwind" in Istanbul. Secret services and exile resistance using the example of Stefan Wirlandner , in: DÖW (ed.): Armed Resistance - Resistance in the Military , Yearbook 2009, Vienna 2009, p. 114ff.
  • Karl Bruckschwaiger: From the Cold War to the Welfare State. Stefan Wirlandner and Left Keynesianism in Austria. In: Michael Benedikt, Reinhold Knoll, Franz Schwediauer, Cornelius Zehetner (eds.): In search of authentic philosophizing - Philosophy in Austria 1951–2000. (= Repressed Humanism - Delayed Enlightenment , Volume VI). facultas.wuv, Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-7089-0446-7 , pp. 898ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See: Joan Robinson : Basic Problems of Marx's Economy, translated and commented on by Stefan Wirlandner, series of publications by the Chamber of Labor in Vienna, Verlag des Österreichisches Gewerbschaftsbund, Vienna 1951