Stefanie Höfler

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Stefanie Höfler (* 1978 ) is a German author of books for children and young people .


Stefanie Höfler studied German , English and Scandinavian Studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the University of Dundee / Scotland . She works as a teacher and theater pedagogue at a grammar school in the Black Forest.

Her first three children's and young people's book publications Mein Sommer mit Mucks (2015), Der Tanz der Tiefseequalle (2017) and The big black bird (2018) by Beltz & Gelberg were very well received by the critics and received several awards, including all three nominated for the German Youth Literature Prize.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b book author Stefanie Höfler , review notes in Perlentaucher , online at
  2. Stefanie Höfler wins the young talent award for German-language children's and youth literature with “Mein Sommer mit Mucks” , message in the Börsenblatt on August 2, 2015, online at
  3. Book of the Month | Archive of the Institute for Youth Literature , online at
  4. ^ Leipziger Buchmesse / Lesefest Leipzig reads , message from March 17th, 2016 on the award of the Leipzig Reading Compass 2016, online at
  5. Mein Sommer mit Mucks: German Youth Literature Award, 2016 nomination, Category: Children's book, online at
  6. LUCHS Prize March for Stefanie Höfler: “Tanz der Tiefseequalle” in and by ZEIT Publishing Group on March 8, 2017, online at
  7. ^ Dance of the deep sea jellyfish: German Youth Literature Prize , 2018 nomination, Category: Youth book, online at
  8. BuchMarkt Verlag K. Werner GmbH: Kranichsteiner youth literature scholarships 2019 go to Stefanie Höfler and Bettina Wilpert. In: BuchMarkt. February 7, 2019, accessed on February 13, 2019 (German).
  9. Nominations | AKJ. Retrieved April 15, 2019 .