Stefano Pallavicini

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Stefano Pallavicini

Stefano Benedetto Pallavicini , also Stephano Pallavicino (born March  31, 1672 in Padua , †  1742 in Dresden ) was an Italian court poet, dramaturge and director.


The son of the composer Carlo Pallavicino was brought up at Salò in the Collegium of the Somaschi Padres. He was already debating philosophy at the age of 10. After completing his studies, he went to Dresden with his father in 1686 , where he became a poet in the Italian language in 1688 at the age of 16. H. was appointed court poet, dramaturge and director and composed his first opera "L'Antiope". He should "as often as it is graciously requested to write Italian operas of good invention and dainty, appropriate phrases" and to perform them in consultation with the composer. After the death of Johann Georg III. he came into the service of Johann Wilhelm von der Pfalz as court poet and secretary, after his death (1716) around 1718 he returned to his old office in Dresden.



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