Stephan Dietrich

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Stephan Dietrich, born in Wildenthal in 1941

Stephan Dietrich called Saafnlob (born February 17, 1898 in Eibenstock , † May 8, 1969 in Hohenlimburg ) was a teacher and a local poet of the Ore Mountains .


Stephan Dietrich comes from a family of miners. He attended the teachers' seminar in Schneeberg from 1912 to 1919 and then worked as an auxiliary school teacher, teacher and headmaster in Eibenstock and Wildenthal . On his initiative the Grenzlandschule was built in Wildenthal. After the topping-out ceremony took place on August 14, 1939, the building was consecrated on November 11, 1940 as a school and center for the village community. Stephan Dietrich was in charge of the school in Wildenthal from Easter 1940. On August 19, 1940, he moved from Eibenstock to Wildenthal and moved into the teacher's house built with the Grenzlandschule. After the end of the war, the then local council and mayor of Wildenthal campaigned for him to remain in school due to his services as a teacher and cultural worker. Nevertheless, he was probably arrested because of his position as a propaganda leader of the community on September 3, 1945 and was from 1945 to 1948 in the NKVD - special camps Bautzen and Muhlberg . On September 26, 1945, he was informed by the district education authority that he had to resign from school with immediate effect.

Former border school and current village community center "Saafnlob-Haus" in Wildenthal

From 1948 to 1953 he worked as a lumberjack and a mine separator in uranium mining . In August 1950 he was forced to move out of the teacher's house; he and his wife found accommodation with the E. Rudolph family in Wildenthal. With the then mayor of Wildenthal, Kurt Baumann, he organized the first Hammerfest in the summer of 1950, which has since been celebrated annually on the second weekend in August as a large Erzgebirge folk festival in Wildenthal. On July 18, 1952, he moved to Eibenstock, where he initially took over the organizational structure of the special school in 1953 and later managed it until his retirement in 1963.

On October 16, 1921, he married Edith Geithner in Eibenstock. After the death of his wife, he left Eibenstock on November 28, 1967 and lived with his son Winfried in Hagen . There he wanted to continue his artistic work, but an old heart condition put an end to his life on May 8, 1969. Following his last wish, the urn was buried in his wife's grave in Eibenstock.

His nickname was Saafnlob . So he wrote himself; However, the spellings Saafenlob and Safnlob are also common .


For the Wildenthaler Hammerfest 2003 the guest house, in which the school used to be, was consecrated in his name.

Works (selection)

  • Plays:
    • Hutzenobnd at the Saafnlob zer Fosndzeit , 1934
    • Borderland
  • Stories and Poems:
    • Stories and Poems, Volume I, Arzgebörg mei Hamitland! Schwarzenberg 1936, 2nd edition 1941
    • Stories and Poems, Volume II, Su is mei Haamit! Schwarzenberg 1936
    • E Liedl I have to sing , Leipzig 1991
  • Pieces of music:
    • Eibenstock miners march
    • Mei Wildnthol
    • Hutzen - march


Mei Hamit.

There Walder was singing an ancient Hami song. Thou wu an Bach in summer is wild rose blooms. Thu is in Barg un Waldern mei Hamit wunnerschie. When do resin is poured out nicely, because I can understand nicely. ...

A long-cherished wish, which his following words reveal to us, came true when he moved into the newly built teachers' house in Wildenthal with the Grenzlandschule on August 19, 1940:

I need weather garnish on the Walt. Kaa Auto, kaa big Ageziehg, kaa Gald. Bluß a klaa Heisel ah dos would be schuh schie. Dos measures revenge aasam uhm at the edge of the forest.


  • Horst Henschel : Singing Land. 400 dialect songs from the Ore Mountains . Hofmeister, Leipzig 1939 ( Erzgebirgische Heimatkunde 19), pp. 21–28.
  • Stephan Dietrich (Saafnlob): The funny book of the Erzgebirge . Hofmeister, Leipzig 1954, with illustrations by Wolfgang Mattheuer .
  • Manfred Blechschmidt , Friedrich Barthel (Ed.): Voices of the home. Poems in the Ore Mountains and Vogtland dialect from the beginning to the present . 2nd revised edition. Hofmeister VEB, Leipzig 1965, p. 391.
  • Winfried Dietrich (Ed.): I must sing E Liedl. Poems and stories from Saafnlob . Sachsenbuch, Leipzig 1991, ISBN 3-910148-19-0 , pp. 7–8.
  • Manfred Bachmann (ed.): Stephan Dietrich - dialect poet. In: Small chronicle of great masters - Erzgebirge we are proud of. Part 1. Printing and publishing house Mike Rockstroh, Aue 2000, pp. 123–125.
  • Siegfried Meyer: Encounters with Stephan Dietrich. Life pictures of the "Saafnlob". Self-published, [email protected]

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