Stephan Meier

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Stephan Meier (* 1966 ) is a German drummer, conductor and composer.

Meyer studied drums and piano in Hanover and The Hague and attended courses from Pierre Boulez , Mauricio Kagel , Luigi Nono , Diego Masson and Peter Eötvös . In 1993 he founded Das Neue Ensemble in Hanover (with Daniel Agi , Udo Grimm , Jessica Kuhn , Josje ter Haar ), which worked with composers such as Earle Brown , Wolfgang Rihm , Carola Bauckholt , Johannes Schöllhorn , Mark André and Helmut Lachenmann and soloists such as Pierre- Laurent Aimard and Peter Rundel collaborated and released CDs of works by Pierre Boulez, Gérard Grisey and Harrison Birtwistle .

Meyer also heads Ensemble S , a German-Dutch percussion ensemble , whose CIRCUS S is touring Europe with its own tent, has performed at the Triennale Cologne , the Festwochen Herrenhausen , Zomer in Utrecht and musica viva Munich, and has performed with Diapason d 'or and the German Record Critics ' quarterly award. Since 2006 he has been the chairman of Musik 21 NGNM eV , which initiated and implements the “Musik 21 Niedersachsen” funding structure. In 2013 he founded the composition competition Wär ich ein Ton ( Leibniz Harmonies International Composition Competition ). In 2016 he succeeded Stephen Newbould as Artistic Director of the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group .

Meier's works were premiered in Berlin Cathedral, in the German EXPO Pavilion, at the Witten Days for New Chamber Music and the Blue Festival in Dessau. Some are written for special performance situations , such as the nano music for Hanover's Hohes Ufer and the mountain garden music for the Royal Garden of Herrenhausen. At the Sixteen Daily Experiences , his individual sounds were heard from sixteen sound steles on the square of the world exhibition in Hanover's pedestrian zone . He also composed for musical and literary programs such as Des Knaben Wunderhorn with Günter and Helene Grass and the federal government's cultural program for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. In 2011, his experimental short film Strisciata (in collaboration with Volker Schreiner ) received an award at the Beethovenfest Bonn .

As a speaker for new music, Meier appeared at the German Music Council , the Triennale Cologne , the Landesmusikakademie Lower Saxony and the Federal President. He gave courses at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media and at the Hogeschool van Beeldende Kunsten The Hague . He gives international workshops with children and students, the results of which they present in concert events. He is also a lecturer at the University of Hildesheim . In 1997 he was awarded the Lower Saxony Sponsorship Prize, and in 2005 he received the Inventio of the German Music Council for his innovative music education program concept.
