Stephan Vorbrugg

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Stephan Vorbrugg (* 1970 in Munich ) is a German cameraman and filmmaker . Together with Friedrich Rackwitz, he heads the film production company Fortis Green Film + Medien.

Vorbrugg has been a cameraman since 2000. He has photographed the movies Days That Stay and Doll (film) , several television plays ( Auftauchen (film) , Mädchen Nr. 1) and other television formats (such as Bravo.TV), as well as music clips (including Reamonn Supergirl ). He is also a lecturer at various universities ( University of Television and Film Munich , Film Academy Baden-Württemberg , Stuttgart Media University , Bilkent University ), with a focus on image design, visual narration, camera movement and light and color design.

After completing his apprenticeship as a publishing clerk, he worked as a graphic designer (for the magazines Tempo and JOY) and as a photo assistant before studying at the University of Television and Film Munich with a focus on cameras. During this time he made 15 short films, including Kalte Haut , for which he won the German Camera Prize in 2005. Vorbrugg later studied film studies at the University of Kent .



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