Stephen Groombridge

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Stephen Groombridge
Stephen Groombridge's meridian circle , astronomer's measuring instrument

Stephen Groombridge (born January 7, 1755 in Goudhurst , Kent , † March 30, 1832 in London ) was a British astronomer and businessman .

Groombridge became famous for the star catalog named after him , A Catalog of Circumpolar Stars , which was published posthumously in 1838 for January 1, 1810 by George Biddell Airy . He began his observations at Blackheath , London , in 1806. In 1815 he ended his trade with the West Indies and from then on devoted himself entirely to his observational project. The catalog lists 4243 stars that are located in a range of 50 degrees around the north celestial pole . The apparent sizes are larger than the 9th size class .

In 1820 Groombridge founded the Royal Astronomical Society .


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