Curly tramete

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Curly tramete
Curry tramete (Trametes hirsuta)

Curry tramete ( Trametes hirsuta )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Stalk porlings (Polyporales)
Family : Stalk porling relatives (Polyporaceae)
Genre : Trameten ( Trametes )
Type : Curly tramete
Scientific name
Trametes hirsuta
( Fr. ) Pilat.

The curly tramete ( Trametes hirsuta ) is a wood-dwelling fungus from the genus of the real trametes .


The Striegelige Tramete forms fruiting bodies that remain fairly flat and that stand on top of each other like roof tiles, 3 to 8 cm, in exceptional cases up to 15 cm wide. The fruiting bodies are pure white to grayish or creamy white, sometimes with a brownish growth zone, the wavy, zoned, coarsely hairy surface can be colored green by algae. The underside of the fruiting body is covered with rounded, relatively coarse (approx. 0.5 mm wide) pores. The tubes are relatively short and whitish cream in color, sometimes a slight gray tinge is present. The meat is thin, dry and tough. It consists of an upper thin gray and a lower, thicker, white layer, which are separated from each other by a black line, smell and taste are inconspicuous.


The Striegelige Tramete is a saprobiontic wood dweller that causes white rot in the substrate by breaking down lignin. The species colonizes lying and standing branches and tree stands and stumps in air- and soil-dry, light-exposed locations. It occurs on the edge of deciduous forests, in plantations and tree plantations, in hedge and forest edge communities, on clear-cuts, in gardens, parks and along roads. Its main substrate is the red beech , besides a wide range of other hardwoods is colonized, on coniferous wood it occurs only rarely. The fruiting bodies are annual and can be found all year round, the spores are formed at temperatures between 0 and 15 ° C, spore formation begins in autumn at sufficiently low temperatures and lasts for about 9 months if frost-free weather prevails. Most of the spores are formed in spring.


The range of the species includes Europe (except Greece, Albania, the Balearic Islands, Portugal, Ireland and Iceland) and Asia (southern Siberia, Iran, Turkey) and North America. The species is widespread in Germany, but does not occur in the same density everywhere.


The Striegelige Tramete is not an edible mushroom, it hardly appears as a wood pest.


Web links

Commons : Trametes hirsuta  - album with pictures, videos and audio files